
I thought maybe he saw a guy stabbed on the subway, then got off, and saw an unconnected incident where another guy was run over by a pissed off wife within 30 minutes or something.

Shhh.. nobody tell her about that old Steve Martin movie "The Jerk". She might die

I learned it from Dr. Marvin Monroe and his vocabulary building cassettes in the early 90s. Fuckin' millenials

A "C" grade on this particular episode shows how far up her own ass the reviewer is here. I'm skipping straight to the comments on these reviews from now on

los muertes… Los Muertes… LOS MUUUUUEEEERTEEEEES!!!!!

they are sexing her up a bit in S2, aren't they?

I've been wondering the same thing, and that -combined with her takes about the Jacqueline origin story - lead me to believe the author of these reviews is some kind of simpleton.

I somehow played a ton of Quake with Ben Folds Five's Whatever & Ever Amen in my CDROM haha

I was a projectionist and distinctly remember the June 1999 CD of MovieTunes playing on a loop all summer since they never sent us a July or August CD. Santana w/ Rob Thomas, Genie in a Bottle, You Wanted more by Tonic, Summer in the City… good times. Nothing to do with STP, just wanted to chime in on the movie

That's because radio is dead, bud. What they play is irrelevant.

Some of these really make no sense. Why do you need a venue for kayaking? How can you build a pool with no plans to ever use it again? Why don't the cities insist on using existing venues? The flagpoles in Athens for example - how hard would it be to use removable poles? Why are they still there? It seems like that

MTV belongs to us all

A year later, I just thought you should know… I see Whatcha did there. Bold? Risky? And how.

Totally with you. "Send the Pain Below" and "The Red" were decent songs. Not great, but fine. . Then they took a hard turn

Are you not reeling in the years?

This subtread is just a bunch of old guys who were left behind by the kids. And that's fine. That's the way it's supposed to be. Don't be the 35 year old guy at the show. Put on the Steely Dan channel of Pandora. It's fine.

Alabama has a similar law involving Lynyrd Skynrd and bears.

I would blame the death of WYSP, but WMMR has been that way for at least 20 years.

To me, there are few genres worse than whatever that nonsense they play on SiriusXM's "Octane" channel. It's clearly the younger child of grunge. I like to call it "angsty frat bro bullshit". Avenged Sevenfold, Chevelle.. all that crap