
Something people who watch on dvr zip through

The world is run by a series of blow jobs after all

She has no honor

Dennis losing it at the slightest provocation from Deep was actually my favorite part of the first act

But does your dvr show you that minute of talking dead before walking dead? Mine records a minute or two of talking after walking, but when I go to play it back, it starts at the beginning of twd

I do not understand Talking Dead's DVR spoiler warning off the top. Whose dvr works this way?

All those things exist in better places as well

The writers are treating this like it's a goddamn fictional show or something

Looks around… sees no sign of the dog. Clears throat..

The ones that annoy me most are the ones who say "cold drink"

I'd be a miserable prick if I grew up in a terrible place lIke western Pennsylvania too

That's because only Midwestern farmers from 1954 call it pop

Called it last week. Rep. Deanna Walker (D - ead, Maryland )

Aren't they all, in their own way?

I know it's a cliche at this point, but I genuinely do not know a soul who admits to watching any of these shows. I do not understand the demographic? Is it just like, the entire population of a few worthless states like Minnesota, Kansas and Indiana or something?

I was trying to mimic AV Club's tendency to get way too over-analytical, but missed the tone. Oh well.

I honestly think Temple would produce more reputable Bird experts than Penn.

PENN. The bird law expert was from Penn.

Also, you don't see the connection between Achy Breaky Heart and the subtext of the episode?

" it’s hard to shake the fact that we never dig much deeper than “some artist made an offensive painting, ka-boom.”"