
What do you want Rick to do? *Not* try to hit that? Jesse was literally the last bangable milf on earth.

I'm kinda pissed the Negan welcoming party got blowed up. I liked that guy

Can we get the kid who wrote the last season of mad men reviews to take over? This guy….

I thought using that song as the suburbs lady's harbinger of doom was a little too much on the nose

Well, it was in Pennsylvania. And there were multiple limbs that go missing

"Citizens on Patrol" has a zero rating?!?!? Surely, this is a typo.

He can't be black AND old! That's two things. (two things, yea, definitely)

" the fact that Sunny isn’t delving as deeply into the Gang‘s gloriously tangled web of co-dependent awfulness is a cause for concern."

Armisen, Hader and Meyers have said they might have overdone it on subtlety in the series. I think the BJC ep would've been helped with some tighter editing.

Gangsta's Paradise is way too commercial, man.

I'm sorry but if you weren't singing "Fantastic Voyage" in February 1996, YOU'RE the one who is wrong.

The whole Blue Jean Committee thing felt like a vanity project for Armisen that lacked the charm of Yacht Rock.

I felt like they were trying with Jack Black's hipster alternative to Comic Book Guy, but then it just kinda stopped being a thing after 3 episodes.

Utkarsh Ambudkar?? I just assumed it was Aziz Ansari. I'll see myself out now.

I think you're allowed to use 7-15 seconds without permission under fair use… more than that and you'd have to pay. But I could be wrong.

I really hope every episode is just nothing but callbacks and variations on already classic episodes.

I'm so sorry, Weez. I can't. I just can't.

I'm surprised Nic Cage isn't bumpin' around in this one, playing the main terrorist or something.

This is a terrible, terrible idea. Keeping your eyes on the Blaze is like staring at the sun. The crazy, angry, borderline racist, ridiculous, drug addled, paranoid, honest-to-goodness-mentally-ill sun.

I've said it before and I'll say it again. The best thing about Danny's performance is that he calls "Charlie" Chah-lee". That's as north Philly Irish as you can get.