
I’ll do that!

None of the above is true.

Single Prayer Healthcare.

Which is why it is important we don’t allow persecution, be it Indian, Muslim, Russian, Chinese, Black, etc.

Yep. I have multiple friends that have had abortions and a few that considered it but in the end chose not to have one. Every single one of those people are happy with the choice they made AND that they had the opportunity to make that decision on their own.

When men say this sort of thing all I hear is ‘I wish society hadn’t changed so I can’t force a woman to be with me’.

Wait until ChrisB97 hears about all those roads he never drive on!


Like Jesus wouldn’t be the biggest fucking stoner you ever met if recreational marijuana had been available in first century Judea.

I believe this is the article you are referring to:

“What atrocity has not been done to men in human history?” Men have never been forced to carry and give birth to a child they didn’t want.

EXCUSE me I read a book once that contained only men in it but it wasn’t ABOUT MEN, okay? Men’s experiences are universal, you see. If you take your hysteria medication, you’ll understand.



Also: does nobody remember John McCain and his infamous “joke”:

Sign spotted at London march:


I’m so glad you asked! I am a Jew. I am pro-BDS and stand in solidarity with our Palestinian kin because, as a Jew (and as a human being), I am called to fight for justice and against oppression. Speaking out against the atrocities and crimes against international law (occupation, settlements, home demolition, etc.


You’re right. Let’s not let facts get in the way.