
The only thing they say about efficiency is the computer & software update. If they didn’t say the motors or batteries are more efficient, then are they getting 50% more range only because they can somehow stuff in 50% more battery?

Kotick owns nearly 4 million shares of ATVI so he stands to make at least $375 million from the acquisition. I wouldn’t be surprised if he was also given some bonus cash for making the sale happen as well as a hefty golden parachute when it closes and he “retires” assuming Microsoft doesn’t want to keep him around

Well that would explain why Kotick hasn’t gone juuuust yet (no doubt will get a massive percentage of the price) and why Phil is so diplomatic about the answers he gave about behaviours at the place.

As a resident of a city where many, many car-jackings result in death to the victim, I believe you left out the very standard outcome: the armed car-jacker doesn’t get chased, dumps the car after totalling it, repeats the process over and over again (killing completely innocent victims along the way), and then

I’m not sure how I feel about the looks, have to see it in person. I saw a new Sorento the other day on the road and it looked great. But the many edges look a little too busy on this in the pictures at least.
But I do like Kia’s direction overall, but they need to get the Hybrid and electric options rolling on these

Its 2021, when was the last time a stick was quicker than an auto in a sports car?

It is sooooooooooooooooooo refreshing to see devs still concerned with optimizing storage space. Some game franchises and devs have allowed themselves to spiral uncontrollably on that front.

The real answer here is that if you tow larger trailers longer distances, this probably isn’t the truck for you (though the Hybrid F-150 probably is).

But the reality is that for the *three quarters of a million* F-150s sold last year, there’s an incredibly large number of owners that don’t tow anything, or tow very

Put 6 to 12 tons of landscaping rock on driveways all the time and have not had an issue.  The company usually makes you sign a release but when I ask, they say they rarely if ever have issues.

These are roughly the same weight as a 1-ton truck with 3-4 people in it, so I don’t think we’re at risk of caving in any bridges just yet.

I know Hummers aren’t as capable as Wranglers off-road but I think they can handle a crumbled driveway

Maybe they couldn’t get the overtime approved?

Based on other comments, I’m apparently in the minority here that finds this car very unattractive. It reminds me of a chubby CHR. Though I do like the interior much more than the EVs with tablets for a dash board. 

He never promised that no one will be killed in the process.

I’m confused and I know little about how Telsa’s work... or don’t. So when driving down the interstate with traffic at 85 mph, on a 100 degree day, and suddenly a popup thunderstorm just dumps a deluge of water, and people start panic braking, I literally will be blind for several seconds because I hit the wiper stalk

I honestly hope you’re right, I can see the logic of sugar-daddy Toyota helping them stay afloat. But by that same token, how well would that go over for Toyota’s product planners? I see a lot of potential overlap, regardless of Mazda’s premium aspirations. Maybe they transform them into the fledgling EV/Performance

You don’t have to do anything! You just need to sit back and wait. You’ll get your payment through that direct deposit account. 

how do you actually file for this? my wife does ours through turbo tax and direct deposit. Would we go through there?

We might even lead in the turnaround afterward.

As an outsider looking in ... you guys are fucked!