
He didn’t?

I had a lady do that for me once at a Dunkins.

I wonder if John Cho’s leg injury, combined with COVID, had an impact on the decision. The show was basically delayed an entire year.

People think that police should be perfect super soldiers capable of planning 10 moves ahead and seeing every angle before it happens. Nobody is like that, whether they are in policing, medicine, or running Fortune 500 companies.

No, I presented a hypothetical for the justification of why I supported the pursuit with the information presented. I can think of other hypotheticals or actual events where I wouldn’t support it.

This is an interesting point of discussion and I agree. How an officer approaches or engages with a suspect can affect the outcome. I don’t know enough about urban versus rural policing to say that one policy necessarily should apply to the other. 

If the driver of the Fusion had a gun available, perhaps they could have fired at the carjacking suspect. Had they killed the suspect, I assume it would be granted as self-defense. I’d rather that not be how things are, but it is the situation we find ourselves.

I can think of a lot. But I’m not making the claim that this chase had no point. It had a point. I don’t know how big the area is and whether “tech” is an option when someone is out there waving a gun around to rob people. I don’t want that person to go free. I want the police to capture them asap.

Firstly, the topic is should the police have engaged in a chase, not whether the suspect can be reformed.

Yea, I get the point. People are bad faith.

What strawman? I don’t know what their position is. Is it that all police chases are bad, because that is what I’m getting, and we can easily show that isn’t what they, you, or anyone actually believes.

It depends on the situation. In this case, where the officer might have mere seconds to decide what to do or risk losing the suspect, I think they just fall back on their training. If they feel confident in their training, then they make a decision.

You mean a radio?

You know what, I’m the idiot. I thought the story said a cop lost control and killed someone. Even the comment section was portraying it that way, which reinforced my thinking.

Cops didn’t kill anyone. The driver of the stolen car tried to avoid spike strips and crashed into someone. 

Why would I nuke the town?

Cool, so it sounds like you have a workable policy for what pursuits should look like, their threshold of acceptability, and how you would account for missed opportunities to apprehend person’s of interest. 

So if the cops never pursued the car, and the suspect went on to rob more people at gunpoint, and possibly shot and killed one or more people in the process, I’m assuming you would agree that “it is unfortunate that those people had to die, but at least there was no police chase!” Right?

There are examples of Forza games having incorrect information in their games and it not being updated, even after people point it out to the dev team.

I applaud Kia for trying new things with each vehicle. If you were to see a MB C, E, and S class parked in the same lot without badges, tell me you could seriously tell one from the other.