
Baez plays for the Cubs.. your use of this cliched joke doesn’t really make any sense here.

Jeebus. Little boys don’t know how to catch footballs and softballs either. The point of my post had absolutely nothing to do with the sex of the child. Until you read that into it. I made a mistake given the boys longer hair and name that is cool for a boy or girl. Throwing fireballs on a Friday? Weather must suck

She’s 45.

E.g., Freddie Freeman is playing for Canada, that trader!

... a slowed down version of the video shows us that the person who punched Spencer was also himself white.

I’m not saying it’s impossible, but as you describe, it’s a particularly tiny segment of the populace you’re describing, professional marathoners and the like. But for most, muscle failure sets in well before this can occur. Particularly huge offensive linemen. Sure they’re great athletes, but certainly not when it

My understanding, not as a healthcare worker, but as someone who has known plenty of juicers, is that while rhabdomyolysisis is extremely rare among young people, simply because literal muscle failure occurs first, it is not uncommon if you are cycling on anabolic steroids.

Copying and pasting your argument into multiple replies does not make your argument stronger.

Because there’s never been any other instance of politicians making shit up about their opponents for political gain:

The dossier exists. Yes. But the Buzzfeed dossier is not confirmed as the dossier. And this was not what was presented to Trump in the intelligence briefing. What has been confirmed, is that Trump was presented a 2 page synopsis of the dossier at that briefing. And a few summary points from that from that

No, I get the point. It’s just a stupid one. If the newsworthy fact is the existence of the dossier, you can report on the existence of the dossier. Republishing its contents without independent corroboration is just thinly-veiled cover for essentially reporting them as true without having to take responsibility.

Only you had the courage to publish this important news. Truly the highest and noblest goal of journalism. Stay on this beat, I want to know ethnicity and current whereabouts for that midget ASAP

“As you might expect, much of the talk around media today is about journalism ethics and responsibility. What may surprise and horrify you—or anyway should—is that by and large the journalists being accused of dereliction are not the ones who participated in the circulation of this explosively and undeniably

I believe it was published under BuzzFeedNews. Which would make it appear to be real actual news.

I can confirm, I heard that rumor too. I VERIFY that the rumor exists.

The issue here is that Buzzfeed writers AREN’T journalists. They don’t have journalistic integrity because they don’t need it. They make lists, use GIFs, and basically run a Tumblr page.

You are wrong. And this line of thinking is a primary reason there is such distrust of news media.

I’m confused.

The truth of the claims in the dossier has not been verified; what has been verified, by several other outlets, is that this dossier exists, and has been known to exist for some time, and contains the claims in BuzzFeed’s reporting.

That’s a loose definition of “news.” Remember when we used to mock FOX News for “We Report, You Decide?”