According to BuzzFeed. And if BuzzFeed is a legitimate source of news than InfoWars deserves a Pulitzer.
According to BuzzFeed. And if BuzzFeed is a legitimate source of news than InfoWars deserves a Pulitzer.
Gawkers: Can’t throw the election, then go full tilt Enquirer.
THEN WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU REPORTING THIS AS NEWS?! God I can’t wait for none of the mainstream media to have a seat at the table when Trump gets in office.
If you’re getting into the fake news biz, kudos, that is a ripping headline. I hope it’s true. I hope it’s true. I hope it’s true.
so buzzfeed is reliable journalism now? All this shitting-on can be ignored:
This has a very distinct smell of 4chan to it...
It’s all fake, It was stared on 4chan as a honey pot. However the Left added the BS Russia stuff to it. I love how many “News” sites are saying they have onfro from their “informant” ON A FAKE STORY CREATED ON 4CHAN!!!
I haven’t read through all the comments so forgive me if I repeat someone else. This Buzzfeed article is the “thrive or die” move for their website. If the report ends up verified, they’re praised for years. But if it’s not, ohhhhh boy Buzzfeed becomes Gawker pt. 2. They’re really reaching for the stars here.
By no means a Trump supporter here, but this type of article is dangerous. First the buzzfeed article posting unsubstantiated gossip, then this article spreading the unsubstantiated gossip. I understand these are caveated, but just by reporting it many will take this as fact and run with it. It’s no better than Trump…
This leak is nothing but yellow journalism.
As “CEO”, I say no problem.
Less than 10% of workers at minimum wage are the primary wage earner of their household. Fewer still stay in that position for more than six months. But facts are boring.
Why should someone who flips burgers make 15 dollars an hour? These are entry level jobs. If you don’t show up high, you’ll get a raise pretty quickly. I know plenty of managers that will directly tell employees: show up on time, don’t steal and don’t work while under the influence. Accomplish these three things and I…
So because LeBron James is an otherworldly talent on the court and has been deemed worth of $30 million a year (which would be higher if there were no max salary limit), the guy hawking Miller Lite in Quicken Loans Arena ought to get $1 million a year? Why should Jeff Bezos have his earnings limited because he heads…
Because gawker doesn’t like the idea of poor people having to pay ANYTHING.
Just to play devil’s advocate, there are guys like Brady who don’t even drink a beer over the season as he feels it (slightly) depletes ability. I’m not saying it’s accurate, just another perspective.