
In years, not decades.

I doubt high winds caused this turbine to catch fire. Turbines are programmed to stop in high winds. If they don't and end up in an over-speed condition, the blades will bend back towards the tower and cause the turbine to collapse.

You could count on one hand the time it takes for a turbine to pay for itself.

@Mr. Rosewater: No one making a claim as idiotic as that will have any evidence to back it up.

No, the smarter thing to do would be to educate the "idiots" out there, rather than stop using what works. Most power plants will look the same to the average, uneducated person, regardless of the fuel source used. Cooling towers are not only used in nuclear plants, but also in oil/gas as well as coal power plants

@ursa: No, the smarter thing to do would be to educate the "idiots" out there, rather than stop using what works. Most power plants will look the same to the average, uneducated person, regardless of the fuel source used. Cooling towers are not only used in nuclear plants, but also in oil/gas as well as coal power

I know the new layout thing has been beaten to within an inch of its life, but I find it extremely funny seeing Matt bringing up or New layout's better though, ...right?

I understand what you're trying to say, and yes, I agree that the people need to keep and eye on their government.

@scarbrtj: TSA agents are not elected officials. Hell you could get a job working for the TSA, and all you have to do is fill out an application.

Steve Jobs drives around in a $122,000 SL55 AMG, and his wife is supposedly putting around in a dirty ass 95 Civic?

That's right, relying on your Symbian laurels and keeping it around for another 5 years minimum is the answer to Nokia's problems.

So developers should pay for the privilege to develop for Apple? I don't understand your reasoning, the content makes the platform what it is not Apple. Apple/iOS would be nowhere without the people behind the scenes creating all the applications that people purchase.

If only I knew how to heart with this new layout.

Having lived in FL for over 10 years now, I feel pretty confident that the answer is stupidity.

I read the title, and got through the 1st sentence before I thought "This happened in Florida. didn't it?". So I keep reading, and hope that for once, a story like this doesn't end with this happening in FL.

Damn that was a good read! Ferrari might have some 'splaning to do.

Seems like that truck was falling apart before it wall, the bed lifted off as soon as it was in the air.

I see what was done here... well done Giz.

$45?! I know this isn't Jalopnik, but that's crack-pipe pricing right there.