
That's a professional-looking cocaine sub.

@senecio: I'm not your buddy, guy.

@The5thElephant: Society won't be fine. If we legalize gay marriage, the whole country will become gay overnight. Then society will collapse since no one will be able to have children anymore.

Surely there's a joke to be made about a bunch of Russians moving a space shuttle by hand.

Reading the description I thought to my self "It can't be that bad, Matt's probably over-reacting" but after watching the video it's so much worse than I imagined.

That's a nice looking Camry you've got there Honda.

I'm not exactly sure how this thing can look so cheap (and ugly) from almost every angle compared to the original.

This guy is a tool, plain and simple. He's trying to push a bill which has a snowball's chance in hell of passing, and wasting everyone's time in the process. People like him should be publicly ridiculed, and voted out of office. There are more than enough bad drivers on the road today, all we need are more of them

Was that BMW ever stock? It looks like it has an entirely tubular chassis? I'm guessing it depends on the series the car is racing in?