They make skinny jeans for little kids now? curse you trends!
They make skinny jeans for little kids now? curse you trends!
ooOOOOoooo...erotic cakes
"5nal" Destination - really???
@grosser.meister.morti: Next you'll be telling me there was no Highlander II - oh wait.
a few years ago - trench coat, toy samurai sword = highlander. nice and simple.
@thegloop: and don't forget to blame everything on aliens!
First time I went to therapy I told the shrink that "I don't want my pain taken away, I need my pain!" And that is why I should go to therapy in the first place, bc I quote ST:V
@Jayman777: no I've just been working 24/7 for the last 6 months. - and YYYYYYAAAAYYYYYYY!!!!!! :D :D :D :D
I'm sorry, let's backtrack a second here - there's a live action star wars tv series being made????
You've never seen Bullitt??? Dude, netflix instant!
@HighSpeedIndeed: I think it's around $4.00 just to step into the cab now? Idk I normally take the N R or A C E lines / avoid surface roads
@Tossed Pissed Mazda3hatch sideways: HAHA - serenity now sir, serenity now...
Ok, I'm going to sound like a complete retard here but I'm a little confused - does this mean these vehicles are unsafe to drive? Or just unsafe to crash into/get hit by? This also makes me want to buy the really over-priced "umbrella coverage" insurance next time I rent from Enterprise.
@mercedesuberalles: Christ - look how cheap cab rides used to be
That old beardy dude in the beginning of the trailer is the warden from the prison planet in Star Trek VI - (geek moment)
nice garbage pail kids sticker
I dig the porno music in that video - I'd actually be more interested in learning more about the building as well.
You know what just occured to me - Transformers is about a bunch of alien robots that transform into cars and trucks your redneck/hillbilly neighbors own. All Prime is missing is a set of those fake testies hanging off the back.