Mazda Eric

@IronicalBalls: $10? Try $12 before you hit the concessions.

Jesus Mother of GOD


Needs more Statham

I didn't know they had rednecks in Brazil.

That's funny because in the vid Charger looked bulkier/more lumbering in its performance than any of the other vehicles, guess it was just a bad clip.

It's like Wing Commander, with Asians.

"It's not hip-hop. It's Electro. Prick."

My last bowel movement was better than his last three films. Wow, as I am typing this I see two other doodie references in comments right below...hmm.

Kia Rio. And this is why Top Gear USA will never be as good as the original UK version.

I'm sorry did I miss the "That'll buff right out" comment or did no one make it yet?

I like how one of the related YouTube videos they show after features two girls and is entitled "Rocket in my Pants! Day 492" I do love the internet.

Wow, MatrixIAmLegendMI3JudgeDreddTh... looks great!


@DrGonzho: I would love seeing a doomsday machine as well, but they won't go with it, they have complete creative ability to do something new and they'll probably go with it. There will be a lot of "oh well we THOUGHT about going with Klingons, Romulans," etc, but in the end they'll make some new creepy creature for

of course it's in ohio, the land where nothing can flourish

I'm a child of the 80's - I don't care how poser it was, or how not-so-great-quality of an auto it could be...there will always be a warm spot in my heart, and a slab of pavement on the driveway, for an 82 Trans Am.

all the star trek flicks, aside from generations oddly enough, are available on instant view now