Jesus H on a cracker, I forgot how horrid the original was.
Jesus H on a cracker, I forgot how horrid the original was.
LOL - "Kirk Unit" - I'll admit the one thing that really bugged the shit out of me about the new Star Trek was Kirk SCREAMING THROUGHOUT THE ENTIRE FILM!!!
Shark still looks fake...
Really...Chuck's coming back...again?
All these closed assembly lines just look like great sets from 80' Scifi movies.
Yes, I'd like to test drive one of your new Gestapo Sedans. Does it run on Jews?
Makes SEPTA seem like fucking heaven.
@Evil Tortie's Mom: R.O.A.C.H.: ooohhhh i did not know that. better then those bad sexual jokes they made in bed during the last film.
I'd love to see a back-to-back Pattern Recognition/Spook Country film. SciFi is ripe for strong, female leads and those are two of my fav Gibson novels.
what season was that x-files ep from? 6th or 7th i assume?
The had sensors back in 1964??
In Soviet Russia...
"Oh, a sailboat."
@manimatr0n: again, it doesn't matter if it' spinning, wobbling, turning, prancing or falling - it's not about what the top's doing, it's about how the viewer perceives it. I'm not saying that was exactly Nolan's intent, just what I think of it.
Spike Jonze & the Arcade Fire?! I just had a Hipster-gasm!
I look at the ending this way - it's based on the type of person the viewer is.
Not one, not two but THREE! Three different types of 3D to choose from!
Didn't Jason Statham drive an Audi off of this in Transporter 2? If not, I'm sure he will in #4