Mazda Eric

@k4man: sshhhhhh I want Peter to answer ;)

@HidingInCanada: oh yea, i'd totally do him too...wait, what are we talking about again?

Were you ever approached by the execs, or did you ever approach them or the producers, about having your own Methos spin-off series? Much like how Amanda had "The Raven"

I have a 'nu' Phaser prop! It was $12.99 at Target and takes two AA batteries :)

I'll say it - I actually liked Southland Tales a lot... (ducks)

Was watching Blade Runner for the 1,790,976th time over the weekend. It's such a gorgeous film. The vehicles are a fascinating range of 80's futurism and retro-fitting plastic tubes to 57 Chevy's. The film's architecture in general is beautiful in its grimy look.

Wow, this photo just gave me an orgasm, even if it's just photoshopped.

Makes the ride back into Philly on 76 Friday nights seem like a breeze

"Every now and then a guy who drives a Dodge likes to close his eyes and imagine it's a Ferrari."- Al Bundy

@RedRonin: I felt your comment did not receive fair recognition sir - and it made me Lol :)

Yeeeeeeaaaaaaaahhhhhhh... How long does Syfy have left, seriously? And will this interrupt the totally un-scifi showing of WWE Rasslin?

"why you think the net was born? porn porn porrrnnnnn"- trekkie monster

That was a great 1987 VCR recording of SNL - good job Daily Motion

You guys forgot about Seaquest DSV

I'll tell you one car that Killed Merc for me - 1993 Topaz. Drove that POS for about 4 years before the bottom almost fell out on the streets of philly. Of course that doesn't look any different than any other car that rides these 300 year old streets.

Jersey City has enough problems as it is...they don't need any more