I feel like most of my family, all working class, started off driving American. Chevy, Ford, Dodge. That's what I remember form my childhood.
I feel like most of my family, all working class, started off driving American. Chevy, Ford, Dodge. That's what I remember form my childhood.
I'm sorry, but am I alone in thinking "We will dynamite you!" is a hilarious phrase to yell at someone?
I'd like to vote for Best Jalopnik Post Of All time please? This one :]
I remember Duncan MacLeod drove around in one of these in Highlander: The Series...and Giles in Buffy... oh wait, this isn't io9, my bad.
That's entrapment! just like that To Catch a Predator show!
@FrankGrimes: please no.
Just when you thought Toyota had all their killer car issues worked out.
What. The F. Is that?????
Don't put it in your pocket. That's your lucky quarter.
@Elhigh: nice callback sir.
They don't call em "Mass-holes" for nothing.
Heeellllloooooooooooo Griffin. :D She's the only part of this vid i paid attention to.
I honestly like the newer Sentra's - they don;t look that bad, they are sporty and inexpensive. And small. I dunno, I like them, but I live in a city and drive about 3 times a month.
I was shocked a few years ago when my friend was able to find a bare-bones Toyota Echo. auto-nothing, I think it has a cd player and that's about it. Oh, and A/C.
Am I the only nerd who noticed she's brandishing a replica of the Duncan MacLeod katana from Highlander the Series?