Nice 2001 / 2010 Reference!
Nice 2001 / 2010 Reference!
@InsertBullets: I don't know, I only reference Tom Clancy books that have been made into Movies or Video Games :]
at least they're watching the simpsons
It's like the new KITT is he wasn't a Ford
God, women comedians just cannot by funny
"Oooo ya, das is gud ya?" - that's the extent of my swiss.
Jesus. H. Christ. KILL IT ALREADY
"That tire murdered mary - THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE HIGHLANDER!!" - dane cook, anyone? or was it dave attell. i think cook ripped it off from attell.
@Baby beater Benz: beat me to it
God you guys are such pervs, it's always tits tits ass....
@High Speed Indeed: oooooo so they did... i bow to your geeky knowledge my king
Raphel, the Red masked turtle in this post, didn't use katanas, he used those smaller weapons called "sighs" - I am sure I'm not spelling that correctly. Leonardo used katanas.
I'd be honored to get pulled over by one of those.
I'd be honored to get pulled over by one of those.
I'd be honored to get pulled over by one of those.
@87CapriceEstate: it's the MARTA, every pub. transit system wishes they were the MTA, which in a way is sad. better than SEPTA at least. Philly's subway is pathetic, but then again no one uses it