Mazda Eric

I did not think I'd see or hear a LA Heat reference today!

Is that her? Hard to see behind that GIANT TMZ banner across the screen.

Would be much easier to read the subtitles without the obnoxious YouTube popup ads covering them.

@djscruffy: I think after Rachel Ray & Top Chef, cooking may be considered cool too. Looks like you will have to do take out forever. Depending on where you live, that may be disastrous.

@GeneJacket: I don't read these kind of comics anymore, sadly I just don't have the time/energy/finances to put into it. I read more of the one-shot deals or indie authors. I very rarely pick up a Marvel/DC anymore.

So this is how they get people to go out and see all the rubbish comic book adaptations they're pumping out over the next 1-2 years - make IM3 a sequel to them, tying them all together. Bravo, Hollywood, you've done it again.

Zeppelins sure are popular cover art these days. Thanks to Blade Runner.

cute girls yielding lightsabers? sign me up!

Ok, I'll be the jerk...

@Janglesatwest: Are you referring to the new one with Martin Freeman from the Office UK as Watson? I only saw one of the three ep - any idea if it's online?

You can watch the entire Cowboy Bebop series along with the movie in about a day. Such a landmark anime in my opinion, a personal fav too.

I think I just filled the cup

Great song, makes me want to boil a pot of gravy for my mudda an her ungots!

I'm glad alien disaster films are giving NYC a break, when it comes to blowing places up I mean.

Poor Adrian, he'll be making B movies for the next 20 years and no matter what the subtext of the film, he'll be forced to hold a sword on the box cover, much like his Highlander counterpart.

Wow - a Moving Violations reference?! My week is now truly complete.

As long as they leave Mr. Goodbar alone everything will be ok.

I'm surprised they don't make people get off the train, very odd. I'm going to attempt this next time I'm in town. I just hope there isn't a river of mood-enhanced slime down there.

Also, allow me to make the obligatory "THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE!" reference