@lascauxcaveman: maybe it's the 90's version of teaser images popping up on websites - like how every news blog will have shadowy pictures of a lexus fender or mustang hood months before release
@lascauxcaveman: maybe it's the 90's version of teaser images popping up on websites - like how every news blog will have shadowy pictures of a lexus fender or mustang hood months before release
I'd like to eat her liver with some farva beans and bottle of Chianti...and by eat her liver i mean her...well there's no reason to be vulgar i suppose
I think it just winked at me...
@tgpt: they almost look too attractive to be anything over than models/wannabe hollywood actors. i have boxes full of old photos featuring my grandparents & friends working in factories, off in Europe and on air fields next to their Bombers. None of them are as attractive as the two above :) Also, that woman looks…
"Hamburgers - 5 for $10" God Bless America
the question remains - how woll it looks with a red tracer light going back/forth just above the grill??
I've seen half a dozen different Merkur Scorpio/XR4Ti riding around North East Ohio just over the past year.
All I can think about while watching this is...
I didn't know Don Imus used to run F!
How about sexting while driving? Safer?
"This is KIT 2010" ??? yeah, it's KITT dummy
As a former resident of the greater NY area I will admit this is the strangest thing I have ever seen...and I've seen homeless ppl having sex in an alley.
agter = after - looks like i started too early today!
I still don't get screwcaps on wine - they say it is actually better for resealing but it just takes some of the class out of wine drinking. Plus, what kind of wimp doesn't finish an entire bottle of wine by themselves home alone agter opening it?!
America - F**K YEAH!
Jesus mother of GOD that is one hideous pile of wreckage! Those cars are beat too!
This C-tease is really starting to get on my nerves - she's like the girl in High School who knows she's stunning and uses it to get shit. Frigging take off your gear in a film/photo shoot or put your cloths back on!!
@6061-Tsix: Megan Fox - it says it in the post, but then again I can't blame you for not reading and being captivated by the pictures of her.
Sorry I didn't make it past the second Megan Fox photo...
I am in no way surprised