Great screen cap of Obama by the way, looks like this press conference was held at 4:21 ;)
Great screen cap of Obama by the way, looks like this press conference was held at 4:21 ;)
That was better than porn!
You know what bugs the shyt out of me about this post? - SHE LIVES IN NYC! WHY DOES SHE NEED/WANT A CAR?!?!?!!?!?!?!
Shot Wheels! By Chrysler
I had a 93 Topaz that use to rock the streets of philly before it finally died somewhere between 17th & 18th near bainbridge. these cars are workhorses and i'd pay a grand or two if i knew i could get 2 years out of one.
Reminds me of the Ghostbusters Ecto-2 chopper:
ppppffffff buahahahahaha!!! AAAAAAAAAAAHhahahahahahaha!!! look at that jerk! bbuuaaaaaaaaaaaahahahahaahha!
@Lily Slay: i believe what you are referring to is called a "rub & tug" in the great new york metro area
This commercial is chock full o WIN!
I take it the vintage/classic car pool of DOTS is running dry?
and not a real tit among them...they should take a tip from danica and keep their regular boobies. they can take another tip from her and use some damn photoshop to cover up any hurt: []
That'll buff right out?
more = move
New York is dying? Last time I was looking to more apartments still cost 3000 per square foot. I welcome the city downturn of NYC - so that I can finally afford to live there!
Well...they got it out?
@oyumurtaci: I don't find them to be goot either, but I do find them to be good ;P
I have the Peugeot logo tattooed to my right calf - with the little tongue sticking out, but it references my love of the bicycle, not the car.
Needs more Benny Hill music
The problem with Detroit is that all its traffic is flowing out of the city.