OOOooooooo Sexy - Price tag?
OOOooooooo Sexy - Price tag?
Without a doubt the greatest use of YouTube Bandwidth since teen girls decided it was a good idea to damn in their panties during sleepovers and record it.
Killed for a Sebring - Shouldn't this be filed under Carpocalypse?
Hopefully the BMW Nav System will do to BMW drivers what HAL did to the crew of Discovery One.
HAHAHAHA Ray Charles Driving FTW!
hehehehe - "Etobicoke"
The very car pictured as the photo for this article - a 93 model. Had the thing towed away off the streets of Philadelphia back in 2005 when it finally, painfully, mercifully died.
My vacuum cleaner is sexier than most Chrysler products.
Mr. Potato Head
@graverobber: 100% Shovel Ready!: please tell me that's photoshopped
My tribute to the greatest Pontiac ever -
Does the Plymouth Reliant K count? my first car, small, under powered but always reliable...well until the engine fell out.
So would now be a good time or a bad time to pick up an Ion Coupe, as I have been shopping around for one of those little suicide doored two doors.
Jeep is doing so poorly that all they could bring to this auto show was one Wrangler and a bunch of Power Wheels they picked up along the way at a garage sale.
@blogenfreude: I've been seeing more of the hybrids (highlander and fords too) my last couple trips into town - i think they are shipping all the older crown vics to Philly.
The savage behind the wheel of that one-of-a-kind taxi cut me off when I was in the city few weeks back.
To quote the great Anthony Cumia - "OBAMA PREZIDENT NNNNAAAAA!" - only O&A fans will catch that reference.
hehehehe - "rod"
So sad, my condolences go out to her fingernails.