Mazda Eric

I thought the Stig was David Tennant - they both left BBC TV at the same time...hmm:

The Statham family??? Oh no - is Jason ok?

Damn, I fit ALL the needs under the trade in plan that got killed - just when I was starting to look for a new ride too! My car is foreign, but was built in a US plant, does that count as "made in the usa"?

Puppies!!! Puppies!!

Nick Hogan???

I rather liked Southland Tales. But I also liked Wing Commander, so there goes my opinion.

"I think it may need a tranny someday???"

I drove my Avalon around the frozen streets of my town during out last snow storm much like this. But in the end I didn't have a pit crew helping me dig the front end out of a snow bank.

I don't know what it is about these rides, but ever since moving to NE Ohio I see more of them on the road than ever! Maybe they were constructed near by at the Chevy/Pontiac plant?

@X3SoB: "I don't think you're happy enough - I'll teach you to be happy - I'll teach your grandmother to suck eggs"

Is it gay if I say I want to marry Jason Statham?

sorry guys but I like fleshbot's "Gratuitous Nude Photo" section a lot better ;)

The way I see it, you don't give up on a car, the car gives up on you. I have lost sound as to how many thousands of dollars I have put into my previous automobiles because I didn't want to see them go, and in the end they all give up on you. The tranny goes, the engine falls apart on you after it was in the shop

This woman's voice makes me want to murder puppies...

I love Tranny's ...wait

Ooohhhh I get it...see it's double entendre...booooo :P