How does keeping someone locked away bring the dead back to life?
How does keeping someone locked away bring the dead back to life?
I don't understand why prison sentences are so absurdly long, especially for someone with no prior history of crime. Even 10 years is a really long time, which seems appropriate for only the most twisted and heinous individuals.
If chefs cook with their bare hands, I'm kind of okay with that, actually. At a certain point, I think there's a law of decreasing marginal returns, and maybe we just have to accept that, yes, the human body is generally somewhat of fighting off bacteria and we can't beat them all.
I admit that I used to have this bias — why should prisoners be given better treatment than free people? But I eventually realised that's the wrong way to look at it. Living a better life means improving your own circumstances, not bringing those of others down. I don't think many people understand that.
It doesn't really test on writing ability though. You literally have to make up the essay as you are writing it and write so fast and so much your hand hurts by the end of it just to get it done in the time limit. Then there are a lot of multiple choice questions just make sure you know how to use semicolons correctly…
The great thing about Chipotle is that they only put things on your food when you tell them to!
Am I weird for actually kind of wanting to try balut? It's just egg with a bonus duck!
Don't misunderestimate the value of the former president's work. It's so original, with a name like "The Art of Leadership" and the ex-prez even signs with a cool nickname that no one else could have come up with! If you're not down with this, you must be part of the Axis of Haters who clearly must be shunned by the…
Well, I think part of the problem is that hiring departments want to reduce their candidates to a manageable number, not so much that they really "need" these degrees. Now that the internet has become an important part of seeking work, some job postings can easily get hundreds or even thousands of responses. And…
Technically, "entitlement" means a guaranteed benefit, in comparison to welfare, which actually has eligibility requirements based on wealth and/or income. I hate the way the term is used though.
That is, if you're good enough to get in. In addition to needing pretty much stellar grades, if your extracurricular activities aren't something cool and inspiring like feeding orphaned children or building robots, they probably aren't very interested, because it's not like in other countries such as Japan where you…
If you break it, you buy it. Just let it go unloved to 90% clearance and then back to the publisher for pulping.
If they really want to increase their business, they need to also show how easy the new Windows touch screens making getting a divorce, so you can begin planning your next wedding!
Those damn kids ought to pull themselves up from the bootstraps!
Red Pills, please. The problem with the whole "alpha" thing is that there isn't any actual evidence for it
The colours! The colours! My body cannot handle the fabulous colours!
That might be true, but most of the white families left of their own volition, which meant the end of that old culture. The people who live in these places today are part of a living culture and active community, and newcomers with more influence are able to have their way at that community's expense. It's not just…
He may not be as good looking as Chris Hayes, but I totally have a crush on Anderson Cooper now. Because taking on bigoted old white dudes from the crAZy state is hawt.
I just watched a Youtube video and was not tripping balls on shrooms, right? Because that. Was. Bizarre.