
She supposedly has been checked but I still think she may have a problem. She doesn’t repeat what other people say but she asks us to repeat what we just said more than I think it’s normal.

I can’t understand why they would even go there. Would you go to a heavily black neighborhood wearing your KKK hood and expect not to make people angry? There isn’t much of a difference here.

No. She doesn’t repeat words that she has already spoke before. She just never repeats or says anything when prompted. This was just my particular experience with her.

I was wondering if my niece has selective mutism. She’s 5. She started speaking late. Once she started speaking she pronounced some words in a different war (she skips the r’s some times). And she never repeats when asked to. She lives in a Spanish speaking country and speaks only Spanish. I was visiting her family

Some of them see horrible things. The big majority of them mostly answer domestic violence and mental breakdown calls which are tough but for which they desperately need training.

Do I have to explain that the reason people kill to get and sell drugs is because they are addictive? I think it is very clear. I am not interested in having a conversation with someone who needs everything spelled out. How can we accomplish what I propose? There are many organizations lobbying and working to

Guns are not addictive. As much as people like them they don't cause chemical changes in the brain.

Just a reminder that we haven't won this war. Republicans are going to keep trying to make it has hard as possible for women to chose and that includes contraception. Vote in November and when you do remember this.

Perhaps it is because as a Mexican I am more used to emphatically ask professionals to leave their religion at the officials door. I find it interesting that many Americans insists that doctors’ beliefs have a place in the doctor’s office. They should not. They should never. Not with abortion, not with homosexuality,

The only thing that has been consistent in Trump’s campaign has been his absolute hate of Mexicans and Muslims and republicans love it. Please tell me again the party of Lincoln is not racist.

The problems is that some people think that owning a gun is a right because it’s in the constitution explicitly and we can’t strip people from their rights without due process. Knowing that how would you stop unstable people (this woman probably never even went to the psychiatrist) from having access to guns? That’s

I’m not talking about late term abortion. A real science versed practitioner can’t let his or her deeply held beliefs that an embryo of 10 or 12 or 14 weeks of gestational age is a baby interfere. We know exactly what an embryo is and if people come to the medical profession with prejudices we don’t give them passes

I’m Mexican-American. Please take me!

Bidi bidi bum bum :)

Puto is an insult because people give it power just like rape. Puto means many other things too and it’s used in many other contexts too. Entrances Mr. putoniceguy (this should not offend you I may just mean that you are difficult) you are exactly like my compatriots.

You remind me of my countrymen the Mexicans who can’t understand why the can’t chant “puto” in soccer games. Even FIFA can see what’s wrong with using words that have different meanings in innapropiate contexts. Why can't you?…

Nobody that is well versed in science can believe that an embryo is a child because science doesn’t support that. That is as ridiculous as saying that a well versed person in science can still believe that disease is caused by ghosts. Science doesn’t support the ghost theory and neither does it support the “embryo is

A caregiver that thinks that an embryo is indistinguishable from a child is not a caregiver that uses science in his practice. An egg is not a chicken, a seed is not a tree, an embryo is not a child. I fear that doctors are not well versed in science of they really think that an embryo or a fertilized egg or hell an

Well, strictly speaking the doctor who thinks the embryo is a baby (especially one in the first weeks after fertilization) is not a good doctor. I think that if we can weed out the so called doctors that really think (against science) that an embryo is a baby that would be a victory. Also, there are many doctors that