
I don’t understand why we can’t compel doctors to do it. It is medical care. That is all there is to it. If a doctor refuses to vaccine a child because of deeply held beliefs we wouldn't think that's a good doctor, would we?

I don’t see why doctors can’t have that obligation. They have an obligation to treat their patients. They don’t get to not treat homosexual patients because of religious grounds, they don’t get to refuse treatment to racial minorities, medicine has no room for the practicioner’s religious belief. A doctor should only

I don't know but I do know that some medical schools do not teach OBGYNs how to perform abortions and that apparently is completely fine.

Is there any way we can get rid of waiting periods now?

Who let this dog out?

Planned Parenthood, the local NPR affiliate, I am also organizing the first ever (to my knowledge) drive for a scholarship fund at my university back in Mexico :). I haven't donated to the democratic campaign for the senate yet but will probably give soon.

My father-in-law is the same age as Warren. He’s a law school professor too. He too was told by his grandma that they had Native American heritage. However he never made that claim in public. It’s not about doubting your grandma. It’s about understanding that you have no proof and moreover no connection to the

She’s around 70 I believe.

Yes. I left Facebook in part because it got to the point that I couldn't even comment on Hispanic organization walls or follow Jose Antonio Vargas (the undocumented journalist). I would comment and get called a dirty slut just like that just for supporting them. It was just not worth it.

OMG that picture of them holding hands at the rally today gave me al the feels!!!!!!!!!!!

I agree with this. I love Warren and all but seriously white people, stop claiming you are Native Americans because grandma told you a story. That’s a no.

When I used to have Facebook I used to comment on the posts of several Hispanic and Latino organizations I supported and white people were always showing up to tell me that the mere existence of an association of Mexican-American STEM professionals or a lobbying group for the reproductive health of Latinas made us

They don't wonder. They are sure we (Mexican here) run away from them because we are the racist.

Right? I think if anything Obama has been too soft.

I practice affirmative action with my reading and it’s fantastic. It has opened my eyes. I have discovered terrific literature and non-fiction books.

Did you hear that moreover Texas was hiding the evidence of the NEGATIVE effect the law was already having? The whistle blower in this story is a ducking hero. I want to meet him/her and buy him/her a beer.…

Sadly republicans are against contraception education and provision too.

I watched TRAPPED today and that’s the feeling with which it left me.