
Excellent point on yet another way in which republicans are hypocritical.

I just watched the documentary. It’s crazy that I am very aware of this issues and yet this documentary still shook me. I have a cousin that worked at Planned Parenthood as a receptionist, my sister used Planned Parenthood for contraception while in college, I have friends who have confided their abortion stories to

Oh I am so glad you are in a better place. We don’t know each other but you reminded me of my friend and made me want you to be happy like she is now.

I also like going to book signings. Amazon can't bring my favorite authors to town.


You probably already know but the last book I read that i could not put down was the Lindy West book Shrill. Great book!

Thumbs up.

You will survive this. My friend’s ex had a baby 6 months after he left her house. It was devastating for her. She felt and looked physically ill. She is doing great now. I am not going to lie, it took her more than a year to recover but she’s fine. She’s back in the dating world, taking care of herself and loving it.

Thank you for the link. I have been wanting to watch the documentary for a while now and I am so glad it’s on line.

I had a crazy father without a gun in the house. I am pretty sure that is why my mom and I are alive today. Some crazies have limits and they stop at the first blow, with a gun the first blow is often fatal. A gun amplifies everything.

You haven’t because you probably read reasonable somewhat accurate news outlets. The gun nuts read Breitbart and think it’s news.


Oh I would love for Texit to finally happen.

Ha ha and they may as well do it. I think we need to watch carefully how the British leadership as a whole handles this. The thing is that I think the economic trouble may be triggered by the simple result of the vote because it makes everyone nervous. They may as well not leave but for everyone to know what will end

They promised to uphold the vote. They don't have to do it but that would not be politically wise. Whatever they do the country is fucked.

Self inflicted wound my British friends. This didn't have to happen. I hope Americans watch closely and learn.

VOTE smart people! Vote!

This is exactly what I want to say. Fuck them!!! God these idiots! I hate them so much when they mess with Zika funding. I hate them double when they prioritize their war on Planned Parenthood over the health of women and babies. God I hope all of them burn in hell one day! I'm so enraged.

Fundies from the US are trying to make abortion difficult in Mexico. Abortion is only legal in Mexico City and American Christian fundamentalists are trying to use the same tactic can they use here to make it hard to access. It’shard to use those techniques there though since any woman can go to any public hospital at

I don't think they can win this time but if they prepare the Castros to run for president in the future they can definitely deliver Texas in a few years.