
Perhaps write to Paul Ryan? Mike Pence? Anyone who is going to try to run on 8 years (no republican will try to run against a republican president) and let them know that even though right now you are not their constituent one day you may vote against them (in 8 years you will surely be naturalized).

I am a Mexican immigrant. You didn’t annoy me. You inspired me.

It’s a private institution. You said it yourself. They expel students for plagiarizing and cheating without having to charge them in a criminal court.

Because she wasn’t asking for jail time. The justice system deals with harsher punishment and therefore within that system it is ok to have high standards to declare an accused guilty. Students should have the right to ask for other type of punishment (yes even for rape) and the federal government has already directed

I’m not sure you can read this but hopefully you can.

The last Supreme Court decision on abortion cited studies like these and others about acres to abortion as the reason for siding with the pro-choice side. This studies are important. If they don’t change anti-choice minds they may still change judges minds (and there is evidence they have) and that matters.

That is awesome. Thanks for doing that.

I can’t deal either. I cut off a friend because she defended her dumb Trump supporting friends. I tried to save the friendship. I did. But she kept telling me that I was an elitist for thinking that sexism and racism made Trump win. I am the elitist and I am a self made woman immigrant from Mexico. Her Trump supporter

Don’t feed the troll.

What they did wrong was to think that America was ready for a woman president.

Thank you and amen.

Yes. Documents, pictures, flight reservations, our wedding album, 3 binders we gave them when I got my green card and yes thousands of dollars.

Good luck! I know this may mean nothing but I’ll be praying for you.

You are a saint and I wish I could help.

I had an H1B once. No your coworkers are not protected at all. Not only that, H1Bs are worker visas and Trump has said he doesn’t like foreigners taking American jobs. I would not be surprised if his administration targets H1B recipients. He won’t be able to deport them right away but he can cut off every future path

I speak English well. I will keep speaking Spanish because fuck those morons who don’t like it. If they ask me to speak English I am going to reply: tú quien pinches eres culo lleno de mierda para decirme que pinches hablar imbecil gusano de pus. Of course I am well off and my in-laws are attorneys who could sue the

According to my friend who despite being Arab thinks that Trump supporters ate not racist and many have valid reasons to vote for him like “the deficit” (hahahahahaha). PC means Obama using weak language to describe ISIS.

God I am so sorry about what is going to happen to the ACA. I am just so sorry agh

You are allowed to feel bad for telling him to go fuck himself and never talk to him again :). In that case you would both be even having done what is best for each.