
Got it. If American women are raped we should not care about the rest of women.

It is precisely the government job to discuss what to do to prevent this in the future. Society can mourn but we pay those I tips with our hard earned tax dollars to do something about it. It’s their damn fucking job.

Yes. I actually respect Romney now! I would still vote for Clinton if he were running because I’m part of the 47 percent ha ha ha but damn it I respect him for standing up to Trump.

I was about to post the same links. People are delusional about profits in college football. I keep hearing that college football makes money when in fact is a complete waste most of the time. People complain about rising student fees and they rarely point at the fact that in many of the badly ranked public

Be serious here. The men of color that get football scholarships get an education too? They go to classes and learn? Because I know a lot of professors having been in academia myself and even in the small colleges football players get a pass, even in the smallest obscure rural colleges my friends who teach have been

College football needs to die.

I don’t know the details of this. What I know is that my father was testosterone filled. He would get enraged about my mom going to dinner with her coworkers, me asking for money for groceries, or dinner not tasting good or not being what he wanted it to be. He would get so angry and a few times he hit my mom. After

The NRA is happening.

A normal week in an NRA country.

Yes EXACTLY! A woman gets thrown in jail for being raped and the world should shut the fuck up because we don’t really know what’s like to live there. That is EXACTLY what my father said when the people who “didn’t live in my house” complained that he was abusing us: “shut the fuck up, you don’t really know what this

I just found out there were 3 confirmed Mexicans among the victims. There is one other possible Mexican. There is another Mexican who is in the hospital. Mother fucker Trump has to answer the question of what he thinks of that. Fucking fucker hijo del gran culo. Se merece que le corten los huevos poco a poco y se los

Thank you for this. I am currently having a conversation (turning into a monologue lately) with a guy that insists that it’s unfair that I and other feminists “don’t care” as much about violence against men as we care about violence against women. I told him I absolutely care but since most domestic and intimate

I wish we could not use so much oil. That would be even better.

Be careful, some feminists think that we can only hate on national patriarchy, any criticism of international misogyny is deemed imperialism.

Every single person that speaks to a GOP politician about this should point at the fact that this happened during Latin night at a gay club and ask them what they think of this in light of who the victims are. I am not LGBTQ but I am Mexican and have many Mexican gay and bisexual friends who are livid that this

Someone has to revive the: in your guts you know he's nuts slogan of the Goldwater days.

Most guys in that Waco shooting last year seemed to have guns too and it didn't make the situation any better.

Are we deporting everyone who hates the gays whether they are citizens or not? I CAN GET BEHIND THAT!

The BBC has a story about talking gun control in a gun range. Of course they start talking about how this would not have happened if they had been there. I so badly wanted the reporter to ask: you, white lady in your 60s who likes guns and live in AZ would have gone to Latin night at a gay club? You white lady in your

Most “independents” are very misinformed. They rarely read news and almost never read about politics. They don't know how the government works but not like you and me don't know more like they don't know what the Supreme Court does or what the state department does or who is the vicepresident.