
Why do people think him smart? Just because he’s manipulative that doesn’t make him clever. Toddlers are excellent at manipulating their parents. Does that mean they are clever?

I’ll put it in simple words. When you face the situations the Obama administration faced (it’s an administration, Hillary was not queen) you have two choices: get rid of the dictator like in Lybia or don’t like in Syria. There is no: kiss the dictator and suddenly rainbows will appear on the sky and we’ll all live

Let’s do what we can't to not let people forget those truths.

We are here. We are reading you. We care.

That is the other creepy part. Once there was a rumor in my office involving me, most people understood that I wasn’t at fault on the incident. Nevertheless, the days after the rumor broke out I realized that a ton of people in my organization had looked at my LinkedIn account, a ton of people I never even heard of or

I quit Facebook. I know I sound so obnoxious! But I'm super surprised how much happier I am not being on Facebook. I honestly recommend it, especially because your newsfeed sounds like mine right before I quit.

Ha ha ha I love it how today's trolls are not even good at trolling. If Hillary were a lesbian we would love her even more!

They don’t hate abortions they hate women who have sex and they want to punish them with “the wonderful miracle of life”.

Two Corinthians agree with you.

Oh I hate when that happens. I had hapoened to me too.

I’m not ready to see him go. I'm just not ready.

Except women of color support Hillary. Why is everyone forgetting that? Why is everyone forgetting that we not all live in Brooklyn and the blacks and Chicanos from the south are overwhelmingly for Hillary? Why am I shouting into a void????

The troll forgets that for millions of undocumented people in this country Trump means repression. Is he not really planning to deport them? It doesn't even matter if he is not. The damage is done. People are attacking Latinos all over the country. The damage is done and we have to contain it.

Mexican too! Seconded! I hated Sanders too. My people voted for Hillary all over the US. No white feminist told us how to vote. We have a freaking brain!!!!!

These guys keep on stubbornly restoring my faith in humanity when humanity keeps on stubbornly destroying it. It’s rough.

Don’t get tattoos of politicians. I come from a developing country and one of our big mistakes is to aggrandize one politician and think of them as saviors they inevitably become tyrants and/or egotistical idiots. Don't aggrandize politicians ever. They already have a big ego. They don't need you treating them like

A friend on mine got rejected by a tattoo artist. They totally reject people. It’s probably legal if the reason is not that the person belongs to a protected category.

I though scientists have not determined what proportion of babies of infected women get problems. I have heard estimates of 1 in 3 once you account for vision and other neurological problems. That is very scary, very, especially given that it has been proven that you could get the virus, not feel any symptoms and

Ha ha ha I'm trying to get pregnant and we may or may not have mosquitos here on the southern east coast. I told my husband that I need a maxi dress for the first time in my life. Then I came up with what a call a Zika dress which would be a maxi with long sleeves. I would look awful but I would be calm instead of