Locomotive Jones

Fuck you

When Hillary started talking about white privilege, that was a wrap for her. Working class white people who work too hard for too little don’t want to hear a smug, millionaire white woman (or anyone, for that matter) tell them about how privileged they are. That shit might fly in academia, but there’s no quicker way

You’re right, white people just have it so hard you guys!

She sure looks different in that photo up top and in the video.

But all you do is cry.

Do you guys seriously think that photo was taken today?

This country is such a facade.

racism against whites

BTW, just so we’re all aware:

BTW, just so we’re all aware:

BTW, just so we’re all aware:

BTW, just so we’re all aware:

Locomotive Jones can say with honesty that he mainly voted for Trump as a reaction to the Left’s hatred of middle America. You want to call us racist, “fly-over country” trash? You want to mock us? Fine, then we’re going to give you the biggest ‘fuck you’ back in recent American history.

As regards the root of the kerfuffle, meh. I’m a honky. If there’s an event that’s specifically non-honky, I won’t go. Why the fuck would I? I mean, yeah, there’s that whole “I want the toy you’re playing with because you’re playing with it” thing, but I jettisoned that when I was six or so.

She might be educated, but she certainly didn’t seem very intelligent.

So because white people were assholes in the past, you’re looking for revenge now, not equality?

I’m gobsmacked that white people are having a hard time comprehending this. And I’m white!

In my opinion (I could be wrong, and I often am) why would they want people who they feel are oppressing them, targeting them, killing them at their event?

Pear shaped is the body type of the majority of the Fox audience

You’re responding to ‘Hoyo Afrika’/‘Gurvinder,’ a well-known troll who pretends to be a militant black activist while purposely contradicting himself/herself in an attempt to garner racist reactions.