Locomotive Jones

The movie has 98% on Rotten Tomatoes.

Is it more funny because you pointed out that he’s white? And now you and all the other white cunts here will laugh?

Yeah, I watched that torture porn documentary on Netflix about Gawker. I’ve said it before and I say it again, I always loved AJ Daulerio’s writing ability and ability to expose the hypocrisy of the powerful. I miss AJ and I miss Gawker.

LMAO! So few people will get that, but Locomotive Jones does.

(And GarThwe will now call you a Nazi again, because Aspies gonna Asp.)

Locomotive Jones didn’t think he could love Trump more than he already did.

By electing the living embodiment of your frustration.

Yup, thanks for proving it. You’re one of those disgusting creatures and your trolling with the Nazi Locomotive is pretty damn good evidence combined with your carrying water for their false narratives.

You guys are really bad at using the whole “snowflake” thing against us.

Well done. Locomotive Jones thought of that idiot’s post when he saw the photo above too: more than 60% of those BLM protesters are white, and probably gay.


And then proceed to suffer the most.

They seriously just don’t get it.

Remember when white gays (not all) were going to bat for that white washed version of Stonewall that had them clashing with their new bffs, the Police?

Wait, so white gays don’t really give a shit about anything beyond their narrow self interest? SAY WHAT!?

This sounds quite dismissive of the concerns that black and brown LGBTQIA people have about the community they are also a part of.

That’s the problem, plenty of protesting but no political action. Just like Occupy and Bernie Bros, can’t see for forest for the protest.

Infighting is unfortunately becoming the norm. Disruption of causes, my point is more relevant than yours, Oppression Olympics and yada yada yada ad nauseum.

Every other article on The Root bashes or mocks “wypipo,” but they seem like the best allies to your cause.

More than half of the BLM protesters in that photo are white.

Kill yourself