
I haven't read the review yet, but I felt the need to get a few things (some of which the review may, in fact, have already touched upon) out & into the air:

Some of this seems to be constructed out of reenactments (the parts that seem to be filmed on a dark & sparse stage/set).

Overall a very entertaining episode, no doubt. I was so happy for John Clare that he got to feel a moment of REAL, honest-to-god happiness & acceptance — not just a dream, or a poem, or a fleeting moment already-pass'd. Also: I loved that his late-wife looked at his scars & such & said, "What — these?! But a scratch

I can't help but disagree that the "unreliable narrator" was a long-lost device, unless you're specifically meaning it as a kind of mechanism or tool intended for very specific plot-point subversions. Specifically speaking of the era about which you speak: writers like Thomas Mann, Robert Walser, & Ford Maddox Ford

From the writer of GREEN LANTERN?! Dang, where can I preorder my ticket?

This was a pleasant surprise: one of the best trailers for a new, non-prestige (i.e. big creator; big director; big movie-star cast) "television" series I've seen in a long while. Genuinely-intriguing & -mysterious, very well-shot, & with a bad-ass Carpenter-esque title card. Count me in.

As much as I truly love watching this show, this episode did not feel like a finale, on a fundamental level. It felt like there was meant to be one more episode & then last minute they had to drop in some of those details into this episode. (Most vexingly: all the of the many goodbyes; the Jennings being told to

I haven't seen SOURCE CODE (nor WARCRAFT, for that matter), but I came here to say that, try as I may, I cannot see what people love so much about Duncan Jones. MOON was a super-cheesy & painfully-derivative sci-fi movie with godawful & unconvincing special effects, & some of THE WORST fake-typing I have ever seen in

Remember when they used to put a silver dollar in the O-Neal-O-Matic & pull the crank, & all the Seantastic Joke-words would come a'tumblin' & a'chatterin' out on reams of thermal fax paper, which would later be transcribed by a lowly "intern" named Sam Barsanti who, it later turned out, had broken the machine & was

No doubt that the Lorne episode is full of all that comedic gold he's been hiding in a broom closet at the SNL offices.

I'm happy Hecate is gone, sorry to say, but she was such a drag. Plus her whole look sucked (the devil inscribing her body like a "Da Devil wuz here!" marking scratched into an elementary school desk?…it wasn't the most inspired costume/make-up choice last season, & even less so this time around). Everything else on

Oh my god, that's actually an incredible idea. The only question remains: will they pay you a finder's fee? Or will we have our first AV Club Commenter Jones v. The Hollywood Bigwigs, Inc. lawsuit??

It just dawned as me, as I sat watching Costa Ronin's remarkable work this episode, how low an opinion I had of the character in his earliest appearances, when he seemed to be little more than a privileged asshole set to fuck with Nina. I could never have predicted what a complex, sympathetic, & WHOLE character he

I liked how they cast wacky comedian Tim Heidecker as Reed's dad (for one brief, dialogue-free scene) & underground rap sensation Chet Haze as Ben Grimm's older brother (who FINALLY gives "it's clobberin' time" the weighty origin story it always deserved). Oh wait, did I say "liked"? i did, didn't I! I meant: yuck.

Oh no, he's TOTALLY having an affair with his secretary at the Ministry of Magic, isn't he??

Wouldn't his scar have FADED over the years, not darkened? Or is it a magic scar?

Looks exactly like Noah Hawley, strangely enough.

Or…will they? The hound of god doesn't just, y'know, stop hounding so suddenly.

Nic Pizzolatto

Ethan's transition was totally un-earned. Maybe had last week not been so good, I'd have given this a B, but it's their fault they raised the bar so damn high. But more than that, I personally found the exposition to be annoying less so for its existence, & more so for all of the repetition. Did we really need to