
Anyone else notice that if you close your eyes during that JUPITER ASCENDING clip (not hard to do), he sounds EXACTLY like John Malkovich's yelling voice when he screams "I create life!!!"? Like, 100% exactly, almost to the point that I wonder if he modeled the voice on his?

Ok, so I guess this too will have a ridiculously overwrought, pseudo-philosophical opening V.O.

Wait, I'm confused: isn't the "real" Big Boss the one off creating Outer Heaven while Venom Snake/Medic is involved in the events of this game?


Is there still a (barely-mentioned) Romanworld & Medievalworld in the series?

I never imagined anybody would read the capitalized words as yelling, simply as emphasis.. I always all-caps'd in place of italics. I guess I should re-think that.

Where the hell was Kenny last night?

I think one thing these episodes have managed to avoid discussing, at least thus far, is the marked difference between saying awful shit & photoshopping dicks in people's mouths…& true, serious, malicious bullying, in the form of, say, people ganging up on someone like Leslie Jones & hacking her accounts & leaking

Wait, I hope I didn't come across as angry? I didn't take your comment as angry, & I certainly didn't mean to come off that way, either.

No way. She's become a ZEALOT, not an unwilling party. She seemed genuinely moved by what Whiterose told her.

Interesting thought. I'm not sure if it's THAT exactly, but there's definitely SOMETHING bigger at stake here. The show (Esmail-Corp) has basically come out & said as much, in so many ways.

That's EXACTLY what I'm saying. It DOES sound lazy, & it IS a common excuse for the show's flaws. I'm not saying I didn't like the second season, so much as the first season just balanced the flaws/rules much more elegantly. The second season was much more ambitious, & somehow ended up feeling so much smaller, &

No, it uses them as tinder to spark more cliffhangers.

I totally see what you're saying, I just don't buy it myself. I'm with Alex on this one: just look again at this show's ambition & endless innuendos towards layers of reality & perception, & the central, fundamental title relationship, which is rooted in something along the lines of 'can we trust what we see?' & 'WHO

Why would Angela become a zealot for Whiterose & Elliot & the Dark Army if the plan was simply to have China destroy America? I don't see that at all.

First of all, that's not always true; there is a LOT we see that Elliot does not, including Philip Price, Whiterose, Angela, Darlene, Joanna, & Dom's perspectives.

I couldn't disagree more. TWIN PEAKS doesn't pretend to be a show about a real mystery, with real answers to real questions, or a universe built upon a sound logic: that's, in fact, the very conceit of the show! TWIN PEAKS is very clear about what kind of show it is, at least in the first season, & it's rarely

No, the show didn't forget dessert, Alex, I respectfully disagree.

The strange thing about Vera & Ray is that their scenarios are arguably some of the most memorable — & yet their bearing on the plot is insignificant, they're borderline side-quests. It's a strange complaint: to like something a lot & yet feeling that it's totally-superfluous. But that's my biggest issue with this

It's a fair question. I certainly hope Sam Esmail knows the answer.