
It's like TRANSFORMERS, too: these are the Nickelbacks of movies: properties so successful & yet nobody is willing to admit to being a fan.

It's super simple, if you ask me, & you guys sort of said the same thing, in a different way: the limitations of the the technology of the 80's & 90's forced Burton to come up with creative solutions — CREATIVE SOLUTIONS. Right now anything he asks for is possible. There is never a NEED for those sorts of creative

For some reason, I thought, "If this long walk to the car isn't a violent scene, it's a bumping-into-Young-hee scene," but then, I don't think they'd ever do that. But maybe. But probably not.

Somehow, even if it felt telegraphed (the empty, quiet streets; the long walk; the build-up of tension), the mugging was absolutely jarring & explosive…it was like one of those long-shots inside a car head-on where you just KNOW somebody is going to crash into them any second. I swear, my heart started racing faster

From the Force Awakens school of repurposing dead/famous people's voices.

I said it last week & I'll say it again here: Dorian is the 'investor' in this operation, & otherwise, the First Lady / Queen to his King Lily. He's not exactly a 'man' either, as I'm certain Justine will learn in time. Like Lily, he's a perversion of human life & human form, something transcendent & altogether

Ok, fine, I'll be the one who asks: how'd they do that whole Obama-saying-Tyrell Wellick thing??

Ah, that makes sense. For some reason I assumed it was the opposite: hard-coded in English (for the international market & critics) & an additional strip, perhaps, in French. But after all, it is a French festival. I imagine in the American release the color-coding will be there.

Wait, why weren't the English subtitles for THE HANDMAIDEN color-coded as well ??

Why doesn't Gus Spelman write more frequently for the site ?? That was a fantastic lil piece of excitement there, & even if I don't agree with everything he said, I think, between this & Polite Fights, he's proven himself to be a necessary piece of the current (post-Dissolve, post-Sean O'Neal) AV Club puzzle.

The weird thing is there's literally ONE line where her accent sounds off, but it's fine for the rest of the movie. (It's the part where she says "Charlotte said your application was positively Byronic," or something to that effect. But then again, anybody would sound weird saying that.)

How are there so few comments on this show?? Less than 10 per episode, some even fewer. With a cast like this I'd assume it was a prestige show with a cult following. I've never seen it, but now I feel quite inclined to.

Dorian is the "investor" in their operation.

I think she knows he can still be useful. His powers can certainly be of use to her & Dorian.

I loved the episode on the whole, but I can't be the only one who rolled their eyes at the reveal at the end. Of course there was no way that Dr. Sweet (I mean, that NAME) could just be a plain ol' Sweet-heart, but I really did not like the reveal. It felt a little cheap & too easy. I was so looking-forward to

Oh no.

Honestly, a better choice than I would've expected them to make. Not sure why, but probably because the other options seemed so damn off. Alden Ehrenreich seems like he at least has a sense of humor about himself, & he was great in HAIL CAESER, which I otherwise didn't like very much. Also, he was discovered (by

It's funny, I thought something similar. LUCKY LOUIE is undeniably a failed experiment, but I feel like the success of LOUIE & all of his stand-up & everything, & the confidence that came with that, gave him the wits to not only take a massive risk, but in the process realize old, unfinished ideas, & make them work

That episode was so damn strong. I feel like the first two episodes are understandably sort of set-up (brilliant set-up, nevertheless), but the show really BEGINS, & takes-shape, in that episode. Brilliant work. I just finished the last episode (on a 2-day binge) & I'm speechless, mostly, & also a little chuckled

Pretty sure they've said they're going for an ANTHOLOGY thing, which I'm not sure how I feel about yet.