
Looks like part of a spring to me. those aren’t supposed to break.

God damn those cars look awesome in red. This era of mustang will always have a special place in my heart. I was obsessed with them as a kid. I drew so many mustangs I could probably draw one still to this day with every detail and body line memorized. When I was a pre-teen, I did my chores and odd jobs around the

Thats a 2012 Genesis...

“but it’s not up to some random chump to shit on people’s efforts before the market has had its say”

Now playing

The production process for the Rocket 3 is awe inspiring complex:

But a dustpan and broom...

Lets hope they never watch Hoovie’s Garage...

99% 95% sure it’s a piezoelectric shock sensor for an aftermarket alarm.  I can’t find an exact match.

Yeah. Rule number one of corporate communication is to leave no embarrassing paper trail.

Who puts comments like that in internal corporate emails? I have never seen any back and forth of that nature in 40 years in corporate environments, even in one-on-one email discussions.  From the nature of the topics being discussed, these should be a heck of a lot more professional.

That’s because David treats his co-worker the way he’s supposed to treat her. There should be no difference whether it’s Torchinsky or Lee.

Immigrant cars doing the work that American cars refuse to do.

you’re thinking of Subaru

The timing of this is absolutely hilarious. Right now, all over the world, people are sitting in movie theaters experiencing the beauty and excitement of the Ford GT, one of the most provocative race cars ever built.

Meanwhile, Ford clears its throat while balancing 340 pounds over the toilet and yells from the

Don’t you think it would be more interesting if you were to actually try and talk to the folks that own these cars and get some stories out of it, rather than just speculate? 

Personally, I’d think something like this would be more suitable for ten-year-olds:

I have been fortunate enough to fly on several private jets as a co-op student. I would fly on private jets in a heartbeat if I had the money.