It’s pretty clever really, when you consider the truckers want to end “man dates”...
It’s pretty clever really, when you consider the truckers want to end “man dates”...
The new recruits here lately have been confusing stunning engineering with the rich people who own them, and that their job should be to cover the vehicle first. Almost everyone who reads Jalopnik already thinks Bezos is a scumbag, piling on is just annoying. Spanfeller’s plan for G/O seems to be to turn it into a…
Great, another deranged person trying to take away my ability to be peacefully inebriated on an airplane.
Thank god they didn’t know my friend Brandon was in the car.
I don’t know who I heard say it, but they said it best, “Employers love to talk supply and demand until it comes to labor.”
American performance SUVs
Do teens in that part of Texas really dress like 45 year old divorced dads who work for a landscaping contractor? The big belt buckle is just precious.
That trunk looks like Dirty Harry’s lip saying “Do you feel lucky, punk?”
Nope. First they hide all their assets while the criminal case drags on. Then there’s a few years of civil litigation. Then after the judgment is entered (see my comment above about negligence per se) they just file chapter 11/13 bankruptcy, keep all the 401Ks, throw the umbrella limits to the sharks, and get on with…
I laughed when I read that quote and immediately thought of this. These people are all full of shit, it’s just funny when it is this obvious.
German over-complication. Check.
This EV won’t work for me because the commute to my job is 20 miles each way and once I get there they don’t give me enough money to buy this car.
Dude, you just confirmed Godwin’s Law.
I was thinking that whoever did the wiring might be an electrician by trade. I’ve seen a number of boards set up like that to temporarily run fire alarms, security systems, magnetic doors and such on construction sites.
“People believe all manner of idiotic things...”
The barely audible surprise he verbalizes when he notices the truck swimming is the cherry on top