
Big, big gamble from Microsoft here. If they actually do whatthey’re supposed to do and make games for the damned thing? This is industry shaping and could add a second thing Microsoft has contributed to the industry in 20 years. My bet? They effectively send Sea of Thieves and Crackdown 3 out to die and shareholders

I’d actually argue the exact opposite, using your Indie argument as evidence. Indie developers are able to use small teams to make great games with fantastic art, characters, atmosphere, gameplay, etc and make extremely handsome profit. And most of their games fall on the “riskier” side by AAA standards.

It’s announced as an exclusive as of this moment. Time to get a Switch!

For people who are already subscribed, it’s 3 new games. To convince people who do not subscribe currently, it’s 3 additional new games. My point was that if another publisher did it, it would be a huge leap that could redefine the industry. Microsoft doing it is... cute? They contribute so little to this industry

Honestly? I understand all of that. I just don’t care. Game companies created this problem for themselves chasing pointlessly prettier graphics. Stop it. Quit making pointlessly bigger worlds. Quit making every single game have multiplayer. Make every game target the Switch and I guarantee a lot of these problems

Not sure you understood the point of the comment. American capitalism is uniquely broken in a way that base model capitalism is not necessarily. I couldn’t tell if you were anti socialism or pro loot box. I’m playing my part in capitalism: if you put loot boxes in the game, I’m not buying your game. I’d encourage

Sending the Xbox consoles for free would be a better move for the platform than this. I already thought Microsoft game studio’s games weren’t worth anything, this is just them confirming that. They’ve ensured that they won’t make any actual money on these games and made the division look even more insolvent to

Too bad it comes with approximately 3 games annually that, by not buying them, essentially ensures they are utter financial failures. This is what it looks like when Microsoft “Wii U’s” a console. Hopefully this is their Wii U and not their Dreamcast...

It’s a really bittersweet feeling to see what should be fantastic news and then realize that, because it’s Microsoft and not a real gaming company, it’s really just the dying breath of a gaming division that gave up 2 years ago. Honestly I wish these shareholders would just put the whole department out of it’s misery

That is absolutely not why we get loot boxes. We get loot boxes because American capitalism sucks balls. Because even if EA makes “all the money” in 2017, their shareholders demand they make “all the money+1" the following year, and that’s not a sustainable goal unless they broaden their audience which everyone in

The problem is that the loot box model completely falls apart and becomes pointless if you can also just pay money for the thing you want. Only a moron would pay $1.00 for a 1/10 chance at a thing they want unless the thing they want costs >$10. They would use the free loot boxes to gamble and then just pay the $5 or

Checks to see if Overwatch still had loot boxes. Notes that loot boxes are still present. Continues to not give a damn about Overwatch or it’s forced eSports league. Eagerly awaiting the story following the rise and collapse of this whole stupid venture though!

A constructive, well thought out response. Truly a paragon of modern society and likely I’ve of the great minds of our times.

Step One: Take a simple to implement concept that is currently only implemented in a game that has had an entire year in beta and might as well still be in beta

I honestly feel sorry for anyone for whom the Switch’s library STILL doesn’t click. In a year, all the games you like will be loot box riddled, multiplayer only garbage (if they’re not already).

Can’t argue with that. The game had one hell of a finale. I just can’t imagine being so soul less as to not “understanding the hype” behind the New Donk City Festival and, especially, “Jump Up, Superstar!”

You’re a monster, that’s why. That is all there is to say about that 😀

It’s really great of Bayonetta “fans” to allow the series to die because of something as arbitrary as loyalty to one console or another. Maybe if picking up one of the greatest action games ever made and making an even better sequel would’ve gotten a few people who claim to be such big fans of the series to actually

Depends on which game you’re playing. AC1? Sure. AC Brotherhood? Really connected with the guy. Think he deserves far better on this list.

This. Altair SUCKED in the first game, sure. The game had a lot to build up to make the franchise what it was and Altair’s “personality” was one of its biggest warts, but they totally redeemed him in Brotherhood. I loved that Ubisoft circled back and gave him, and Ezio, the realized character arc both of them