
D2 shouldn’t NEED a TTK-like expansion. It should’ve launched as though it were building onto a game that had already undergone its renaissance to become what it was, not one that threw all that away. Ultimately, Destiny as a franchise will never be what we want it to be because its being handled by a developer that

What?!? You’re telling me that the internet’s most toxic gaming community isn’t doing something forward thinking and progressive? Preposterous!

Microsoft would have to get behind, well, anything at all really. The last couple years has just been Microsoft giving up on the Xbox entirely it seems like. Tough to broaden your appeal when you can’t even appeal to your base.

This. To further the thought, denying video game addiction is LITERALLY “trivializing real mental health issues” like when people destroy their lives or DIE in internet cafes due to crippling video game addictions. Seems awfully hypocritical doesn’t it?

PUBG will be an amazing game once a real developer picks up the idea and does it right. They only get to use the excuse you’ve given them so long and it expired forever ago for basic things like overall stability.

This. PUBG’s map seems like a big open opportunity but what it really ends up being for most players is a big empty ugly space with nothing to do in it until you get killed by the third person you see.

I honestly don’t think I’d be holding my breath for all these issues to be magically gone. These guys are hacks, not devs, and their work shows it. This is no different than any other garbage asset flip on Steam Early Access, up to and including the actual use of stock assets. Fortnite is the first nail in PUBG’s

Can’t tell if your goal was to try and vilify this issue or remind me that some truly amazing things come from objectifying women, but I’m not sure you succeeded in the one you were hoping for. Also, if new Tomb Raider is a body type you think is impossible to obtain, I truly feel sorry for healthcare professionals in

Yeah, I went through my annual “Should I build a gaming PC” pros and cons list to find that there are fewer reasons to look at a PC than there ever have been. Because Steam is such a disaster these days, it’s stupid to launch your Indie game exclusively on PC and if they’re also on Switch, I’d rather play then there.

It’s something that has honestly been perplexing me for years, initially starting with the “Apple Reality Distortion Field.” I work at a hospital where, either surprisingly or not surprisingly at all, this effect is especially powerful. The day immediately after Apple admitted to ruining last year’s iPhone as an

I believe you meant to say that EVERYTHING is going to get fucked in the next couple of years, barring a few CEO and stockholder’s wallets. I bet, despite a 14% tax cut, we’ll still get more loot box schemes because “game development is so expensive!!!” And unfortunately we’ll still have a bunch of Stockholm syndrome

Meanwhile, all these third party publishers are boasting record profits year on year and the only developers that suffer are those whose vision can’t be ruined with manipulative, predatory bullshit. You’re a consumer, and unless you are also a stock holder, demand better. It’s their job to figure out how to make

If you give them 6 more months, odds are you’ll be the last person playing it so they’d definitely notice!

I’m glad you had a follow up. If you “never feel safe,” that’s fucking on you. Way to project your fanaticism onto an entire gender. Somehow the few crazies responding to our posts manage to be more chauvinistic than you could possibly accuse any of us of being. Just because you’re apparently a coward doesn’t make

My apologies. By zero, I meant such an infinitesimally small number of outrageous SJW crusaders on the internet that trying to change the whole of human society to protect your God damned safe spaces would make everyone’s lives worse and you’d still find something to bitch about.

I haven’t 100% decided why I feel the need to keep replying to this topic as I’ve described the only reasonable way to approach this topic in painstaking detail already.

Holy crap, I actually did wonder why that word was underlined! Definitely not trolling. I seriously don’t think that placing strict, nonsensical guidelines on where it’s ok to talk to women would have prevented any of those tragedies, although I understand trying to look for the next best thing in a world in which

In general, I whole heartedly agree with you. I have not personally approached a girl at the gym with the intent of romantic entanglement. I’m at the gym to get through a few sets and get back to my day. My point was simply that not everyone feels that way, strictly speaking, and if someone is smiling my direction

I’m actually exceedingly curious why you felt that way, but I’m happy that my point is made more clearly in subsequent posts. I honestly can’t imagine being more respectful when I’m out and about and, before I was married at least, I was never aggressive about meeting people, I just never closed myself off. I truly

Look at your posts for Christ’s sake. You calling anyone a troll is projecting so badly that I almost feel like you’re being ironic. And tiny hands? Is that you @realDonaldTrump?