
I will never understand why a Bethesda game ever falls in someone’s “Exception” list. If you wait for a price drop on basically any othee game, you save $20. If you wait a year for Fallout 4, you’ll save a HUNDRED dollars with the bundled expansions and you WON’T have to suffer through the horrible, AC Unity level

Uh oh, you pressed the Goku button. You shouldn’t of did that!

Skylanders gets online multiplayer*

Console manufacturers INITALLY sell consoles at a loss. It’s not the case throughout the generation. The way the manufacturers manage to make money after some time on the market is through economies of scale, which requires selling a lot of hardware. Most people who choose to buy consoles during the period during

Why do you keep insisting that it wouldn’t hurt console sales though? If you told me I could buy a console and miss out on 2/3 of first party games or I could buy a PC and get all first and third party games, I wouldn’t consider buying a console for 2 seconds. Would destroy console sales.

Because they specifically want you to buy their platform. Especially in a time where the consoles and PC are disgustingly homogeneous, differentiating your platform is mandatory. The only first party who should be doing what you describe is Microsoft as they not only make both platforms, but probably shouldn’t be

This. Please god, this. The Last of Us was a fantastic game that can ONLY be tarnished by sequels of the usual variety. You built a world; feel free to tell us more stories in it but DON’T ruin the story that earned you the ability to make a sequel in the first place. Let adult Ellie make a cameo as a future leader or

Still not exactly sure who this feature is for... I’ve never said “Man, I wish I could play this console game on a tiny screen!” Windows 10 to Xbox would be genius but this just seems a little “backwards compatibility 2 years after anyone will care to attempt to reinvigorate the platform” to me.

Although it’s unofficial, it is quite likely that his passing was due to cholangiocarcinoma: a relatively rare tumor of the bile ducts which happens to be most prevalent in southeast Asia. The cancer is incredibly insidious in that most people do not show any signs of disease until it is widely metastatic and

It’s a pretty rare cancer regardless but is most prevalent in southeast Asia. Gastric cancer on the other hand, everyone’s got that over there.

Absolutely perfect. Depressing to see it so far down the list.

Only difference is everyone knew Steve Jobs’s death was imminent. Last time we saw him publicly I would’ve given him weeks-months to live just based on how he LOOKED. We saw Mr. Iwata just a couple weeks ago and, although you could tell he’d lost weight, no way would I have guessed we’d be hearing this today.

I can’t imagine what sort of issues your wife is going through but, to put your mind at ease: what he had was likely a cholangiocarcinoma, an exceedingly rare bile duct tumor that has highest incidence in Southeast Asia. Most other issues of the bile duct, even those that are very serious, are considerably less quick

This. But in my short career I’ve seen 3 of these and they all looked MUCH worse when they had only weeks to live. I’m almost horrified that this man has probably been getting chemotherapy and suffering every day while at the helm of a company that means the world to so many of us... and his last memories of his

Honestly, there’s inappropriate and then there’s this. There’s a circle in hell reserved for people this heartless.

HD remakes of Call of Duty? I thought that’s what they were doing every year since CoD4?

^ This. Between Let’sPlayers, this story, Kim Kardashian and professional athletes being under educated, abusive assholes rather than the role models they at least used to pretend to be, I don’t really feel excited to bring kids into this world. Hell, I’m not even sure I want to be here anymore...

I can’t tell, please tell me you forgot the “/s” before you clicked submit. I haven’t seen that many untrue things strung togethertogether without a sarcasm tag outside of literally every Apple keynote speech.

And some people, maybe even MANY people, disagree with your assertion. There are many huge FF fanboys that have played “every Final Fantasy to completion” and then follow it up with “except the MMOs; they don’t count.” People put their brand names on things not only to group things that are related or similar, but to

Probably more so even.