The real comedic goal was using the words “Apple” and “companies that treat people like cattle” as different things. Apple wouldn’t be a company if it wasn’t for their carefully bred and conditioned herd of sheep.
The real comedic goal was using the words “Apple” and “companies that treat people like cattle” as different things. Apple wouldn’t be a company if it wasn’t for their carefully bred and conditioned herd of sheep.
What would possess you to make a list including the platform holders and leave Nintendo out again? Especially one that includes Microsoft, the “pay for a bunch of third party games as exclusives, buy the ones that hit it big and then quickly ruin them; oh, we also make Forza” company? Third parties don’t consider the…
Call of Duty for elementary school children already exists... Its called Call of Duty. This could end up being Call of Duty for people who want to play a more cerebral team based game and don’t need gun porn and to reenact their PTSD nightmares.
This exactly. When the suspend/resume update came out, I was playing Bloodborne which didn’t really support the feature so I never realized the use. The first day with the Witcher I actually still logged out of the game prior to suspending the system. When it hit me that I could feasibly never see the title screen or…
Going through the same thing myself. Haven’t tried one of these things since Oblivion (which I only played for 2 hours) but I got caught up in the hype. Just know that, if you bite, you won’t be going through this alone!
No, what’s happened is that we’re seeing what we’ve secretly (or asshole-y) known all along; These mobile games just aren’t actually any fun. They’re addicting, and the artificial limits and things that we discuss as the frustrations of the genre are really the only things that keep us coming back. They are the…
Here is, and always will be, my question for Apple fans; if all you’ve ever wanted is NFC payments, glass and metal phones, smart watches and a 4.7 inch, non full HD display, why the hell did you bother buying phones that were not only hellaciously overpriced but didn’t even meet the things you’ve apparently always…
This. Was curious why they would let Jason waste his talents on a Destiny post if he wasn’t going to use it for first sentence glory!
Exactly this. Honestly, I’ll be interested in the first sentence of these articles for hundreds more hours than I was in the game itself. I hope Destiny 2 is every bit as shallow and awful as the first just so Jason can keep up his awesome work!
Well we all hope that we can continue to play the game on our terms without a bunch of cheating bastards ruining the online mode. Getting rid of entitled, whiny players who think cheating is “playing on my terms” would just be a huge plus. Even if you aren’t lying and actually NEVER play online, you are not the only…
I hope they don’t find another one so that entitled, whiny people like yourselves can stop playing it entirely, which would be “my terms.” Glitches hurt everyone. Even if I believed that you never EVER play online, that’s not true for everyone, which ruins the game for everyone. Besides, if you NEVER play online, then…
That is easily one of the most absent minded arguments I've heard yet. The data that says it's a good idea? How about the near total eradication of diseases like measles, mumps, polio and smallpox without any significant downside backed up by anything more than a bunch of undereducated celebrities claiming an already…
Uh... Play Music has its own partition of storage wholly separate from Drive storage. Its free and you can store 20,000 songs. Been like that since the dawn of Play Music...
I'm still completely stumped why anyone is still playing this God forsaken game. Is it that annoying part of a game's brain that makes us defend stuff just because we spent money on it?
Holy shit dude. Actually bothered to read that after I posted out of sheer curiosity. Get some help man, seriously. Whether you're right or not, between the name calling, profanity, hypocrisy and sheer immaturity of this entire exchange suggests people who know you for real must be even more sad than I am right now.
Cool sorry bro. Best of luck online!
Do me a favor and take an Ativan next time you go to comment OK? You can't pot called the kettle someone for calling you on anecdotal bullshit when you started the whole thing with anecdotal bullshit.
Thats a lot of smug coming from a guy with nothing more than his own anecdotal bullshit coming to the table. And don't worry, I completely understood that you were just being a dick: No worries there. Funny thing about proving something "doesn't work well" with software; if mine works and yours doesn't, odds are…
I apologize that apparently an obvious way of putting emphasis on words escapes your understanding. If you truly thought it was random then I won't bother trying to clarify.
In the name of a balanced picture, I've been playing constantly since release, mostly online, and I have had nothing but a positive experience. 25 mbps Comcast connection at various times on various days and 85%+ of my matches have felt like local play. When it lags, it REALLY lags, but then you just back out and join…