I guarantee that at least a few are upset that when they put it on, they look nothing like Kate (or so a friend told me)
I guarantee that at least a few are upset that when they put it on, they look nothing like Kate (or so a friend told me)
Is that a thing that women don’t wear underwear with yoga pants? I’m all for going commando while wearing the baggiest sweatpants in the comfort of my home during an abc family Harry Potter marathon, but I'm with you. Tight pants and no undies equals pinched labias.
When you aren’t famous for doing anything of note or having talent, you have to rely on your personal life feeding your fandom/popularity. She'll stop talking about this kinda shit when people stop watching and reporting about it. Until then, it's all an open book to gain viewers and coverage. I'd let people pay me…
Yeah, that rubbed me the wrong way. Mostly because it isn’t the case. I’ve known guys who cheated (for various, mostly BS, reasons) and I’ve known guys who did not cheat. It has less to do with ALL guys cheat and more to do with the guys you know cheat, the guys you are choosing cheat. Which, by the way, is not to say…
I agree with everything except the idea that “all men cheat”. If you truly believe that and see that, you need better company. It’s a rationalization. It’s sad to think that anyone would feel so defeated that they would almost want to believe it.
I like Amber Rose. But, I’m not a huge fan of her saying that all men cheat. Isn’t making a blanket statement about a gender exactly what she’s trying to rally against?
Well, actually, retardation and impulse-disorder-causing-brain-damage is a reasonable answer to the question, “did he know what he was doing”. This is why the good lord made court-appointed analysts and doctors. Need to see wut’s wut, if we’re at all civilized.
THANK YOU FOR THE PHOTO! What a handsome kitty.
Don’t you make enough money to just buy another couch? You don’t? That’s not really my problem.
A cat in a handsome bow tie kills me. Last year for Christmas my mom got my cat this idiotic, fringy, belled collar thing, and I was certain he’d hate. Turns out he loved it. Cats are always a surprise.
My friend’s cat is NOT into sweaters. Or hats. Or vests. He WILL sport a handsome bowtie though.
Nobody is talking about that outfit. I don't understand it but I love it and she looks fantastic.
I looked up some non-photoshop pictures of her and I have to ask, what are you talking about? I was expecting some hideously wrinkles. Like an apple left out in the sun to rot. But she’s not barely wrinkled. Some little crow’s feet and laugh lines. That’s it. I hope I am that “horribly wrinkled” when I am 46. (The…
Your guess is as good as mine. Could be 13, could be 30, I cannot fuckin tell.
Seriously. I’m totally okay with my president having some damn gravitas. Fuck relatability. Get. Shit. Done.