
Eddie Vedder approved. Aka my favorite feminist. #2 being Alan Alda.

Hang on to that one. Urge him to spread the gospel to his friends.

Hehe awwww gosh. My friends looked at a teeny tiny apt here that supposedly was rented by Slash. The bf reeeaaally wanted it but she was like uhh no it’s 500 fucking sq ft.

As a woman, I love being able to walk down the street in PNW and not feel threatened. I go out in my hometown St. Louis and I feel like I need to take a shower. Not 30. Just 1.

I really need to pay attention.

I pretend it’s London and the weather is poetic.

I like to think their doucheyness would be apparent and they’d be SHUT DOWN. Wishful thinking on my part perhaps.

Also, I don't think it rains as much as people say it does.

Seattle would be the most welcoming I guarantee that. I’m in Seattle. I would welcome the shit outta that.

I like my men feminist.

  • Not too many guys

No. I'm sorry but no. I am definitely on board with explaining bodily functions, using correct terms for body parts, being naked occasionally, etc. But I will also teach my future child the value of privacy and boundaries.

I used to get real bent out of shape when something like this would happen, but nowadays I try to pay more attention to the person’s body of work as representation of their beliefs. There are so many words for everything now, I feel people get so caught up in labels. Am I incredibly excited that it is once again

You just inspired me to do yoga.

Okay this is a great article but if I poop my pants my life will be ruined. How common is this vile affliction?!?

Canoodling in the water with legs all wrapped around each other... Last I checked was NOT brother/sisterly. Those two are smoothing their nether regions together.