Cheese of Brick

Barely Legolas.

These statements always confuse me as to how they can be so convincing to some. “That’s not the man I knew” Well, yeah. You obviously didn’t know him like you thought then. Thanks for proving the point that abusers aren’t what they seem.

If you find out that a man you know has beaten his partner this badly, I’m going to tell you something right now.

Okay, I’m on board with about half of this list. The other half is pretty much the extent of what I eat. I get pudding, it’s a weird texture but who the fuck doesn’t like brownies? 

You’re right. I’m sure he did that Nike campaign gratis.
(And by the way, don’t worry: You don’t sound racist at all.)

As a moderate republican, I have to admit that my main argument against the godless mixed-race socialist lesbian horde is their rudeness.

One of the main problems with the Democratic party—the party as a whole—is that Democrats are bad at politics. It’s why midterm election turnout is typically so low among Democrats—because Democrats have historically not been able to be bothered to keep up with low-information races which, while note incredibly

I don’t care who the speaker is as long as they maintain decorum and try to win over moderate republicans. That’s how democrats can really excite the base.

Ok, but it’s not enough to just say “We don’t want her.” Who DO you want? Have a couple of good candidates people can get behind. 

Yeah, it’s clearly racist, but what the ever-loving-fuck is he actually attempting to communicate? That doesn’t make any sense at all. 

Yes. She’s a right-wing Pick Me, hoping that if she shakes her ass hard enough that some nice right-wing sugar daddy will turn her into the next Megan McArdle or Ann Coulter.

To women of no color like this coupon cutter, race is the tripwire that’s ruined cross class coalitions. To all of us normal non-lizard brain having folks, race is a construct created by white men to propagate whiteness by weaponizing it’s energy in order to destroy the societal structures that keep everyone else

Wife:  “I know you’re not gay, but if ...”
Me: “Idris Elba”

Can we not start with this? This isn’t about misogyny. This is about this one particular, twice-failed presidential candidate who needs to gracefully bow out. Running the same tired candidates is not the path to winning back the White House. We need new people with fresh perspectives who don’t (for better or worse)

Hillary Clinton moved to New York for the first time in November 1999. By November 2000, she had been elected Senator in a state she’d lived in for a grand total of less than one year. Other candidates with far more experience both in public office and in the state, who had already announced their intention to run for

The good news is every time the Red Sox win the World Series in a year ending in ‘18, they don’t win another one for 86 years.

Yup, they love doing this sort of shit to see if they can get away with it. There’s no other reason to do it. They know it’s racist and they want to intimidate and silence us.

I think a lot of them also do it because it pisses off “the blacks”/”the libs”/”SJWs”, and they think there is enough plausible deniability for them to still be accepted in society when they get exposed to the wider public, and they say stuff like “that’s not who I am”/”God knows my heart”/”I have many black friends”

Uh, hold that thought right there. Keep that picture of innocent, goofy Gallagher riding on an adult sized big wheel and smashing fruit. Do not look any further. We have now said his name twice. Do not say it a third.

That would also be very possible. Regardless, connecting a surge in voter registration to Taylor Swift based on this minimal level of information is dumb and I’m dismayed to see this story getting picked up by more outlets.