Cheese of Brick

Yes, because it’s completely normal for a 31 year old guy to be texting a 14 year old girl “all the time” and giving her advice “about boys” and inviting her to meet up with him. Totally normal. Especially a guy who has recently been shown, through photographic evidence, to be being way too close to a girl as far back

You save the phone numbers of 14-year-old girls in your phone and give them DATING advice? really?

Maybe we’re on different pages here. There are plenty of perfectly normal ways adult men can interact with teenagers. Coaching their soccer team. Or talking to your sister’s friend. Giving advice to a SO’s daughter. These are all normal. Just being like, “I want to exchange text messages with a 14 year old girl” is wei

Or, Drake can come out and explain why he’s so close with a 14 year old girl that’s he’s giving her dating advice.

How old are you, and how many 14 year olds are you “friends” with? I’m 33 and none. Just so you don’t think I’m asking too much with these questions. 

31 year olds shouldn’t be friends with 14 year olds, that’s weird as fuck, full stop. If that’s all it is, simply friendly advice, it’s still weird as all get out and we should be shaming Drake for it. 

FFS, dude...

Nah, as a resident of Florida the morons here truly did earn the title for this state without having any outside help. Please keep your meals to yourself.

are you really that upset because someone is dissing Florida?  really?

Then he definitely shouldn’t be giving her any advice.

Because Uncle Bob is family while Drake is some random famous dude 17 years older than her? There’s a lot of questions and advice you’d ask your family that would be a bit strange to ask and receive from a relative stranger (pun intended).

Then maybe she should get advice from Drew Barrymore or Jodie Foster or any of the number of women who were child actors themselves. All better options than a 31 year old man who has been rumored to be dating an 18 year old.

Assuming her parents are in the loop, yes.

If that’s all he’s doing (offering dating advice) then in theory it’s fine, but how can one tell? In practice, that type of private relationship between an adult and a teenager (in which the adult is not in any type of parental role) is not a good idea.

More photos of Zazie Beetz are needed for me to arrive at a proper conclusion. Thank you.

He slit Victor’s throat because Victor was seen at the scene of Gale’s murder. Victor was a liability who could lead cops back to Fring’s operation. That’s why he killed him. And the reason Victor came back was precisely *because* he wasn’t a peon. He thought he was so valuable to Fring that it would outweigh the risk

Mr. Freud, Sigmund Freud, please pick up the red courtesy phone.

He left the eyeballs in a cup in the cell and told other prisoners that he intended to either eat or drink them later.

Not reporting this is normalizing it. Normalizing it pushes us deeper into a 1984-level future.

All of the racist grey-trolls are mad AF.