Cheese of Brick

Here in Texas we have castle doctrine laws. You’re permitted to use deadly force to protect yourself and your home (to include the porch area outside your door, and also your yard) from imminent damage. Dude was reaching for the door, locked or not, so he’s fair game since she told him to vacate her premises with his

I agree re Sanders, but disagree re Warren.

Yeah once someone follows your into your home, jackin’ away - that is a huge red flag of rape. 1000% she should not be charged for any reason. 

I think he was handling his own business.

Yup. On the street, your shit is yours so long as it dont touch me or mine. On my porch? It is officialy on at that point.

Im a Texan. Only if you’re a POC. White folks can do pretty much whatever they want.

He sure was feeling good until he got shot.

Yes, one of the more expansive ones too. I think she shouldn’t be charged with anything and am not a lawyer but I could see shooting through the door being a problem. They could argue that she was safe at that point. Of course then he’d probably go for a window, so maybe you’re supposed to wait for that? But that

Granny Jean is not my lover
She’s just a girl who claims that my fly is undone
But the kid was shot by gun
She says my fly is undone, but the kid was shot by gun

I wish people would stop stanning for Warren. Yeah I love her too, but every single overt and covert signal she’s ever broadcast since she got elected to the Senate is that she’s not at all interested in running for President.

This is a very balanced take on Harris’ chances. Her progressive bonafides are going to be pretty easy to lob grenades at, but she has that JFK/Obama/Clinton (It may be hard to remember for most readers but Clinton had that too back in the 90s) esque energy and presentation that most of the other Democratic

Allyship is a 24/7 job, and there’s a lot of white people trying to pull part time shifts.”

I agree with the general idea of what Spike is saying, but I also think black and white people take allyship for granted in a lot of ways. I definitely appreciate any white person who is willing to use their privilege to speak up for POC, especially when there aren’t any POC around when they’re doing it, but for me

You deplore the demonstrations taking place in Birmingham. But your statement, I am sorry to say, fails to express a similar concern for the conditions that brought about the demonstrations. I am sure that none of you would want to rest content with the superficial kind of social analysis that deals merely with

She really trying to get that vacant Omarosa spot huh?

and the commenter said “Why celebrate the 10th anniversary of such a shitty movie?”

Good grief. It’s like Sal from Do the Right Thing, Alex Jones, and Mark Wahlberg rolled up into a sentient can of biscuit dough. 

* He named his cat the n*word.

And it’s almost a positive that the pool patrollers gave us this fantastic moment:

No doubt. The “Pool Patrollers” only end up embarrassing themselves. The “Neighborhood Watchers” kill people.