Cheese of Brick

All conveniently forgetting their own history because of their acceptance into White America.

If someone is unconscious you aren’t supposed to move them. Fighting with the guy that missed basic health class shit isn’t going to help anyone. Recording it shows what happened and then you can call 911. It would take me a second to process that someone was dragging an unconscious person off a train. Even passing

I used to do temp labor, and I worked in a daycare for two days before my background check was cleared. I thought it had been completed, but it hadn’t. There was nothing to find on me, but that’s not really the point. Had I been a dangerous person to those children, I would have had two days of access to them, and

They didn’t even mention that the show is, like, eighty percent Wesley!

It’s super, horrifically easy. Even if you’re on file in one state, say, other states may not have access to those records. And changing your name? Takes about an hour. Plus, this particular abomination isn’t doing checks, period.

When I was 16, I got a job at the summer daycamp I’d been attending since I was 8.

Once I typed that out I realized that yeah, that’s pretty much the case, then I got scared.

9. Just smart enough to know they’re not smart and angry about it.

If your stand-in doesn’t look the actor, that’s a sign that you don’t know how to hire a stand-in.

He’s friends with James Franco. What else did you need to know?

And people are now figuring out why I stay pissed at Congress, especially the Dems. They let this fool go off on wild, dangerous tangents and barely have nothing to say to counter that shit.

Everyone is missing the long con here.

Not changing the Constitution is great for people who wish government was limited to white males.

The podcast The Thomas Jefferson Hour just had two episodes about exactly this “Judicial Responsibility” and “Supreme Court Appointments”

Yeah, completely with you here.

The “moments that really count” consist of communicating, educating, and reaching a point of mutual understanding regarding what was wrong, why it was wrong, and how moving forward can happen (and sometimes, it can’t not right away). I get Monique’s sentiment and I won’t jump on the ‘she’s a traitor’ bandwagon just

In the words of the great civil rights leader and social justice warrior Rosa Parks - NAH. 

We’re a a nation of 300 million people, and there are some bad people, there are some racist people, but on balance we are not a racist country, we’re not an unjust country.

Putting Lando in the movie works every time!

orange person playing the role of human*