Cheese of Brick

Can we launch Mark Zuckerberg and everyone responsible for both creating and maintaining Facebook directly into the sun yet, or naw?

New research shows that the EARTH is actually in orbit around the SUN - who knew?

Who the fuck is this shitheel?

“Duffy the Volunteer Slayer”

On a personal level, I’m scared for the day when I come across some piece of shit racist harassing strangers because of the color of their skin, because I’m gonna end up in jail.

For fuck’s sake

I see your gut punch scenario and raise you:

Holy shit! That all just flooded back. Everyday French with Pierre Escargot! He wore flippers and a yellow raincoat in a bubble bath!

Sorry, knows better to*

I’m sure this is 98% nostalgia talking (because I was right in the target audience for it), but I can’t think of anything that holds a candle to early 90s Nickelodeon. From the cartoons, to their Saturday night adult-lite offerings, to their summer-long ‘events’, it was such an enriching addendum to childhood.

I don’t know. Maybe Seal is offering Octopus as a gesture of some kind.

Who doesn’t love market saturation?

This all falls in line with my mental image of somebody who would be described as a “God-loving celibate Christian”

Well that’s the scene to be off your game for, I guess. I’ve never noticed, and wouldn’t even if they were still completely loaded, because when Billy Dee Williams pops up out of nowhere in your heretofore white-as-fuck space opera, you kinda aren’t paying attention to anything else for a while.

Define healthy.

If one is to measure success in terms of scraping together ten consecutive seconds where I can barely tolerate looking at this anthropomorphic toxic waste and not start rage-bleeding from the eyes and ears, then yes, this administration is an unqualified success.

Reason #1 is exactly why I hope they don’t. I want Kap’s lawsuit to tear NFL ownership to shreds. I want it to continue exposing the deep-seated ugliness in the organizational hierarchy, and I want it to inspire a hard look at what I have to imagine is not at all uncommon in most other national league sports... and

“I suppose that’s why we let it get so full in the foist place” kills me every time