Cheese of Brick

If Kim died, or at least if that’s the event that separates the two of them, I don’t think Jimmy/Saul would have the capability to function as a human being. He would crumble, utterly, likelier to end up in a psychiatric hospital than his shady corner mall law offices.

Agreed. I’m mostly just finding it really depressing that so much of everything that Gus did stems from this soul-crushing obsession he has with so vile a human being. We already knew that it’s what got him killed; but it hurts to know that it’s also what he lived for.

Jimmy is gone at this point, and it’s especially tragic that it did seem to come with Chuck’s death—as if proving his sanctimonious asshole of a brother wrong was the only thing keeping him tethered to what thin veneer of ethics he had in the first place. Morally, Saul is not a monster, and even in Breaking Bad, never

Also, isn’t this only called a “Presidential Alert” because it’s a national thing, and is therefore intended only to be used for national concerns like an attack on the country or a massive storm affecting a large number of states (i.e. on the scale of something that a President would inform the citizens about)? And

In Trump speak, that could mean anything

Evidence of the actual existence of this “Good Samaritan” black couple has just surfaced..

Yes yes yes oh my god YES this is how this shit should work


Never seen it, so I wouldn’t know. Since we’re jumping to conclusions based on scant evidence here, though, I’m going to guess that the film has an intentionally ambiguous ending and so by comparison you think that my issues here stem from not having questions answered which would lead me to believe that you struggled

Yeah but that’s what token_liberal is talking about. The writers took 4 and 1/2 years of amazing character development and took a shit on it for one final WHAT A TWIST! The problem with Lost’s final season was never which questions were or weren’t answered; it was the systematic undermining of everything that the show

Also light in a cave. Don’t forget the light in a cave.

Yep. It serves to both excuse racism and further undermine the already poorly-understood workings of minds genuinely afflicted with what we label as ‘mental health issues’.


The Bunk is definitely in the top 5 of Wire characters. His world-weariness cuts through McNulty’s sanctimony, but even though he tries his damnedest to swagger and drunkenly bellow over it, he proves time and again to be the most consistently honest, hardest working, and conscientious member of the force—natural po-li

There are times when ‘eye for an eye’ seems pretty fucking legit...

My favorite part about this is how not standing and placing your hand over your heart during the National Anthem at a game where people throw a conical, laced sack is an insult to all veterans everywhere at every time ‘MURRICA; but this blatant and pointed disrespect toward an actual, specific veteran—who endured

I also have doubts that children of that age possess the guile to coordinate a lie like that. A child will readily tell an untruth, sure, but I figure that it’s generally more of an instinctive reaction against immediately being caught and to ward off potential punishment. I could be wrong—my basis of experience is

Your sacrifice will not have been made in vain.

To Chase, I’d have to say:

I’m glad somebody else linked to this. I wasn’t sure if it would be appropriate or not. :-P