Cheese of Brick

This is solid advice for anybody and Bernie Sanders especially:

“Comprehensive assessment” = enough time has passed and nobody else has come forward with any allegations so we feel pretty confident that the ratio of ‘people who have moved on’ and ‘dinguses who already watch something like The Talking Dead who’d be more comfortable with the guy who’s always been doing it’ is close

Adidas’ new technology in which the chip inside the ball allows those close to it to access videos and competitions stored on said chip

This a thousand times. Watch, don’t watch, it’s your call (I’m personally leaning toward the don’t watch camp, but only because I’m already too angry all the time) but there’s now really no denying that Sacha Baron Cohen is doing good with his medium of choice, and he deserves due credit for it.

Not all insults are jokes and vice versa. Yes, there’s plenty of overlap, but it’s not a 1:1.

Let’s....... not, though, maybe?

“And unfortunately, they are also reflective of some gang culture. And they can recede your hairline. That’s not setting you up for success.”

At this point, you are absolutely correct. In a theoretically equal society, fiscal conservatism is just one side of the same coin; but the way things are now, and the way that they have been sculpted to reach this point, I agree 100%.

Yep yep yep yep yep yep yeppity yep and uh yup.

It’s amazing how consistently accurate a judge of character you can glean from studying the eyes. Compare the header image of the murderer and the gofundme link of his victim, it’s uncanny.

I may have missed it in a comment somewhere, but I don’t see anybody asking the most important question:

I appreciate this perspective; it’ll give me something to think about next time I watch. I don’t know if it’s just how the writers handled the theme, or Kartheiser’s performance, but it never resonates with me, even if I can academically appreciate some of its intent.

No I am like very few people commenting here and have never seriously watched Mad Men.

He grew up in a dimension worse than hell. He shouldn’t have been a sulky teenager. He should have been feral.

I really like badass tortured Wesley and his relationship with Lilah, the Angelus arc, and bringing Faith back into the mix. Everything else was the hottest of garbage.

Mad Men?

Yeah, the idea didn’t come flying out of nowhere, it just... wasn’t interesting. Which is why it was enough for Kendra to just have this vague backstory in season 2 that we didn’t need to dig into (and to namedrop a Watcher to remind us how far Giles had come from the strict organizational upbringing due to Buffy’s

Clearly a mission statement all can get behind.

season two on through three quarters of the way through season 3*

I would amend to say teenage Connor. I think from season to the three quarters of the way through season 3 is the run of Angel that genuinely started giving Buffy a run for its money, but then Vincest (originally a typo, but decided to keep it) Kartheiser showed up and all of that momentum was immediately squelched.