Nothing need ruin a continuation. Buffy came back from the dead twice, Angel the vampire conceived a child with another vampire, surprise sister!, Angel ran the evil law firm that he had fought against for four years and it was actually pretty sweet, it only took them a season for there be more than one Slayer after…
So you’re just pretending that season 4 didn’t happen, then?
But couldn’t it just be called Slayer, and every promotional material attached to it makes explicit the fact that it exists in the same universe?
Not all women, just those who were already “potential” slayers. If that sounds like a stupid non-answer, it’s because the last season was pretty terrible.
I do like the show, but it’s definitely lacking for black representation. And more telling that this silly little anemic bit is the closest it ever comes to an expressed viewpoint on race relations. I wasn’t trying to praise Seinfeld for any kind of forward thinking. It was more an acknowledgement of Michael’s running…
Exactly. Biden seems like an all-around okay guy, and was the perfect VP for Obama, but the Democrats need to start thinking outside the box, and then take the box and throw it into the fucking sea with a lead jacket. They’ve only evolved in fits and spurts since the political realignment following the ‘60s, never…
I think anyone with even a pinkie toe on the wrong side of the law in ABQ, by that time, knew about Saul Goodman by reputation alone. I mean, those commercials... so many star wipes in a row! And I think he mentioned knowing a friend who had been represented by Saul (possibly even Skinny Pete) so I don’t expect the…
Well you’ve obviously never met anyone from the Family Stone.
I really don’t want to throw my support behind Joe Biden (or Bernie Sanders). I will, because.. what other fucking choice am I gonna have... but I really don’t want to do it.
Had Tuco just gotten out of jail when introduced in “A No-Rough-Stuff-Type Deal”?
Good distinction.
Ohhh shit I forgot that, good call! This would seem to warrant further Krazy-8 appearances and a Hank cameo, I think.
I don’t see how a Walt or Jesse cameo could come off as anything but really tacky fan service. I mean, maybe—maybe?—Jesse crossed paths with Nacho at some point. But.. why? What do we get out of that? I much prefer the idea that Jesse’s closest link to the drug cartel underbelly of the ABQ would never have gotten…
Mmm hmm. The good ones actively try to change the system and are punished for it and ostracized by the country’s most dangerous boys’ club, or realize that’s what in their future and get the fuck out of dodge.
7:22, the way he says ‘entertainment’ and how Ledger does in the film - “We are tonight’s entertainment!” - is pretty comparable.
I took ‘man’ in this instance as being shorthand for human being, specifically as opposed to an animal (where rectal probing for various purposes in monitoring animal health is not uncommon)
Yep. There may be good ex-cops, but there are no good cops.
You owe Slim Charles and the Barksdale organization an apology. Dragging them into this mess....