Cheese of Brick

Okay but as an entire group of people, have whites ever been oppressed because of the color of their skin? Various subsets of people who could be classified as white have been horrifically oppressed, yes—you mentioned Irish, and I could easily raise you Jewish people, and since you seem intent on playing this all as a

Sure if you like, but that’s...... not really the point of all of this, is it?

Oh shit, I’m sorry, did I accidentally post in the article about Ireland instead of America?

That’s a really good idea. I’ve always thought that if the notion of reparations being made in actual, quantifiable payouts of money is unreasonable (which I think that logistically it probably is, but I make no claims to be any kind of an economist), then it should absolutely be made in structural compensations.

So they were stuck in traffic. Lots of people around..

I hope he can learn to love who he is. This is very sad, indeed.

Elections after Trump?

Yeah, I think I do.... he is everything you see on the package. Quaint, even.

Permission to print out copies of this and hand to people with whom I can’t properly explain how fucked up they’re behaving. I don’t mind calling bigots out on their bullshit, I just... diagnosably suck at communicating when I don’t have a keyboard in front of me. It generally ends with someone picking all of the

She was trying so hard, too. Even past all of the cringeworthy missteps and obvious red flags, I got this sense that she really wanted to elevate herself above and beyond the telling biases holding her back......

Not all white women, but probably all white women twins, yes?

Cowabunga, dude.

Honestly, MacLachlan for Best Actor is the only nomination that “The Return” really deserved. Now I personally loved (most of) the series, and indeed Chapter 8 was unbelievable and probably the single best thing I saw last year, but I can understand why the divisiveness of the series as a whole would be too

Seriously. Star Wars is a lot of things but I don’t know if subtle has ever come close to creeping on that list.

I’ll pay each of the Root’s writers two dollars a week, and an extra dollar for every article I really like.

Huh, interesting. I’d never heard of that, even though I enjoy David Mamet’s work. And Chiwetel Ejiofor. I’ll have to check it out.

I mean, he’s an interesting guy in the “I was the lead in Galaxy Quest” kind of way, sure.....

I get what you’re saying. I think—to be fair, I could only stomach the first episode of the show; my knowledge of it is based exclusively on the book (which has actually been one of my favorites since I first read it in 2004).

America has always been, for these people, code for WHITE. They don’t have any actual loyalty to this or any country, except when the functions of its state deliberately prop up white supremacy.

I seriously think that show is dangerous. By presenting a horrific universe that’s just askew of reality, it’s offering up armchair “progressives” an emblem that they can fear, gesticulate toward in cautionary yawps of “LOOK WHAT WE COULD BECOME” while the actual horrors of actual reality—one that’s plenty terrible